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My boyfriend is spending $1000/month on OnlyFans woman

    I (31F) have been with my boyfriend (30M) for a year, and we’re moving in together. I do accounting so I’m calculating our finances to estimate what we can afford. I noticed a $1000 charge EVERY month on his statements. I asked about it and he said it’s for OnlyFans woman. He says he's never cheated and never will and he's never met or talked to this woman. She's American so he says there is no chance of anything happening, but there’s no reason to stop paying once we live together.
    I'm stunned. My boyfriend is a simp. There are no other words. I do not object to the pornography with consenting adults and I don't care if he looks at it. But we’ve been together for a year. Continued simping when we live together and merge our finances is red flag. I've said I'm uncomfortable and won't live with him if he continues simping, but he just repeats the never cheated act. I feel like I'm being gaslighted because now he's angry I won't live with him. I needed to get this out to process because I was so shocked when I found out my boyfriend is a simp.