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My balls are just so ludicrously big!

    My balls are just so ludicrously big! It's like two basketballs in a sack, when I shower I spend at least half the time just cleaning them as they swing like pendulums against my thighs! I need specialty clothes just for them because they burst through anything else! It looks like I'm packing a mile of meat but even though my dick is huge it's all my balls! Whenever I try to jerk off my dick feels like it's rent asunder as gallons burst out! I need to contain it in jars which i donate to the sperm bank because the simply gargantuan amount would clog my toilet! I don't need a chair to sit down outside, I just sit on my titanic balls and feel them slosh! I once had a girlfriend who I nearly suffocated by accidentally dropping my balls onto her face when I tried to have sex with her! It's like a full beanbag between my thighs and the sweat is outrageous, I need to use a full towel every time i wipe my balls, and even then I can't get the bottom! They're just too colossally large for my body! They're so big that I need to get medical checkups solely for my balls or the doctor would run out of time checking my simply gargantuan, shiny, testicles! The sperm bank my area has an entire tank just for me! I can use them as an emergency floatation device in the pool! My balls are classified as an entirely new medical condition and my pubic hair is so big that I have to shave it and wash it with shampoo! My balls are legally classified as a deadly weapon after I killed a thief withthem by tripping onto him! They're bigger than my head! Once I fell off a cliff but my balls were so strong that when I landed on them they weren't injured at all! The smell of sweat that emenates from them is so powerful that I have three industrial fans blowing at my balls whenever I sit down! I don't wear clothes at home because when I'm naked I can use them as a desk for my laptop! My testicles are so big that there's at least a gallon of cum in them EACH! My mother thought she had twins but the second baby was my giant balls! I slept at a friend's house and they asked to use my balls as a pillow but they fell into the hair and had to be surgically removed! When I run clothed they tear through and everyone can see them swing like a collosal pendulum! I have enough cum in my impossibly large nuts to impregnate millions of women! My nutsack is so large that it takes a minute for it to stop swinging after i poke it!