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Morbius(2022): Nothing short of a cinematic masterpiece.

    Hey fellow Morbheads, just finished my 26th viewing of the legendary film (Morbius) and I have but one word to describe the experience: Wow. The film was incredible, to put it lightly. I thought I had noticed everything there was to notice on my 10th go, but I wasn’t even close. Jared Leto’s performance leaves so much up to interpretation, and he truly builds the character presented for is in the MCU(Morbius Cinematic Universe). Every rewatch that I view just leads me further into the Morbi-hole(a term I coined just now), and I spot things I never would’ve seen on my first few gos. The world isn’t ready for Morbius - and I wasn’t either. When I say that I broke into tears every time I watched it, all 26 times, I’m not lying. I cried during the entire movie. I’m not even sure how my body is producing more tears, but I make sure to stock up on XL popcorn and 3 drinks each viewing. My tears are pure sugar water, butter flows through my veins.
    Anyway, I’ll try to keep this review short, as the credits are finishing up and I’m about to go in for my 27th round, but know this; Morbius is one of the greatest movies of our generation - or better, this decade. The raw power behind each scene is only amplified by Jared Leto’s stellar performance. If he doesn’t win every Oscar available, I’ll be shocked. To say it was a masterpiece is an understatement. On my 15th viewing, I heard someone yawn during one of the dialogue scenes. I followed him up to the parking lot and decapitated him with my limited editionTM Morbius Blade. (Shop Please - if you haven’t already, do yourself a favor. Watch Morbius, and watch it again. And again. And again. You won’t regret it.