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Man, this N corp Sinclair ID sucks.

    Man, this N corp Sinclair ID sucks.
    Negative coins? Why did PM add this? It’s literally a ticking bomb that’s about to corrode.
    Yeah his skills are powerful but it’s their POTENTIAL power. In practice? He’s never going to be at -45 sanity, so his damage output must be dogshit.
    Also how is he going to work with SP healing EGO? Why should I suffer negative consequences for using a freaking EGO?
    “Just use his guard” you say, but ain’t that just skipping a turn? What kinda player would think skipping a turn is a good way to balance this stupid ID?
    And he can’t even lose his sanity as good as normal IDs gain it! What’s the point?! PM really should hire better people if they think this ID is somehow “good” and “powerful”.
    I require Kim himself to apologize for creating such a bad, low damage and high maintenance ID. They should also buff him, maybe 2 separate times, and I demand it TODAY.