I wake up at 5 in the morning like usual. Brush my teeth, shower, breakfast. All is as it should be. I say goodbye to my family, I will be gone for an hour while I do laps around the block. It is a cold, eerie morning with a shroud of fog encrypting the surroundings. I begin jogging away from the door, I glance back to see my family staring out the window. Crying over something, I’ll find out when I get back. For exercise waits for no man woman or crustacean. As I make my way around the first corner of the block I hear an arachnid like scuttling behind me. I jerk my head to see what in the devil is behind me. I see a blur of orange and black, I feel a forceful thump on my head and promptly black out. Soon the void receeds. With confused sense I still make out my situation. I am strapped to a chair in what seems to be a vine like mass SATA cables. What in the hell? there is not light in the room but a flickering lightbulb hanging overhead. I hear a familiar screeching voice from across the room. “Today we will be liquid cooling AND overclocking a Human Being! That’s right lady’s and gentleman, a live human being! But first a word from our sponsor, Glasswire!” I promptly faint , never to awake again.