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Lady Furina is really important for Fontaine!

    Lady Furina is really important for Fontaine! She plays a major role in the economy of the country. As the main source of entertainment for most of her people, her pride pushing her on the scene. She wants to be seen as hardworker and powerfull but she is small and cute!
    Archons comes in all sort of colors and shape! The interesting part about lady Furina is the taste of her fluids, it taste like water and her sweat is different based her mood causing a change in saltiness! Fascinating is it not? 😍💦👅🫦
    The laws of Fontaine consider ber the equal of Humans so it's possible to have het as a partner, as I have!💍
    You see lady Furina is my wife, my blue godess. I fell in love the first time we met, sunset on the horizon, alone on the square.
    I proposed to her right away (she very cute), at first she was confused, but she quickly whispered yes under her breath, I was overjoyed. She tried to run away in embarassment but I caught up to her and we consumed our love right in a dark alley! ❤️❤️❤️
    She is so cute, behind her strong hardworking façade hides a shy and cute wife (She says she's not but it's a game we have)! In fact everytime she sees me she cries tears of joy, it's sad im a busy man so I can't make love to her everyday. I have to leave after I made sure she understands how much I love her!
    Recently I noticed people in blue stalking her, they must have noticed how cute she is (as I did). But I was angry at them, Furina is MY wife! I went to our home to have a talk with her about the creeps stalking her, she was very scared as I told her so I had to calm her. You see my wife is very noisy every time we do it (she is very shy), the creeps must have taken this opportunity to attack me and my wife! In our own home! 😡
    I tried to defend my crying wife but they knocked me out! I woke up to something called a "trial" I screamed about how "Furina is small and frail" and what I would do to them if they ever touched my adorable wife! 😡💢💢
    And then... I saw her on the other side of the room, they made her cry! I went in a blind rage! I don't remember exactly what happened next, I remember a tall blue cunt screaming nonsense like "Aggravated assault" (?) and other dumb stuff like "sexual harassment" "false imptisonment" and "sexual assault"🤯. What I remember clearly is when he said I had a "restraining order" on my wife! **DO YOU BELIEVE THIS!**😡 How can any normal men resist the urge to get closer to something as cute as Furina! They also said I must be locked in a place called "jail" for 100 years! 100 YEARS without seeing MY hot sexy wife!🤮🫨😵😰 This is a crime against life itself! I swear I won't stay there for long! I'll leave, rip the insides off of this stupid blue cunt and get as far as possible with MY wife! 😡❤️‍🩹💢💢💢