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kill yourself you fatass 3xl beluga whale bitch

    From a Taylor Swift fan response towards a Swifty hater on Twitter.

    kill yourself you fatass 3xl beluga whale bitch, you oversized cunt whore. Your mom needs to shove a tampon up her bloody vag and leave it in there for a week so she can get toxic shock syndrome and die, worthless bitch, we know her loose ass vag needs the extra heavy and thick tampons anyways be the heavy flow bloody pig got her pussy swollen by birthing your fat head ass. You need to go get swept away by the tide and drown to death or get mauled by piranhas. You disgusting revolting foul vile faced cunt. You look like if Matt smith was mixed with a leprechaun. You need to shove a rod up your dirty stinky poop stained asshole and have it regurgitate out your throat and rip all your organs inside out then you need to be flayed alive. I hope you get bussy lice from that dildo we know you shove up your hole every night fugly twink. Or better yet, let's send you to Dubai to stone you for being a fuggot. You need to be exterminated from society. Make a voodoo doll of yourself and cross stitch it so you can die painfully. We would get more value decomposing you back into our soil than let you waste our air. I hope some tribe people use you for a sacrificial ritual and eat your heart alive and then decapitate your head and mount it on a spike on your loose vag whOre sivt mom's front porch so see can die of grief and burn in hell with her pedo son. I hope maggots eat your dick and balls and then they tear plant eggs inside you which hatch and eat your intestines alive. I hope a bear shows up to your house and claws you to death, cunt. You smell like wet ear wax and pennies so clean yourself with bleach you foul scented white twink