Its an old video of Keemstar (pre DramaAlert) defending FortressCraft after a couple of people from Machinima with Notch (creator of Minecraft) called FortressCraft names during an interview. Keemstar was supposedly the PR person for FortressCraft and Machinima has formally apologized and pulled the interview.
All right, I gotta set the record straight. Something is really pissing me off. Notch took another game and ripped it off and made Minecraft. All right, all right. If we're gonna call stuff a rip off, let's call it what it is? Notch, took another game. Ripped it off, created Minecraft. Now, Notch comes over to Machinima. All right, and he's sitting next to these dudes and they meet them and ladededah and these little fucking Fanboys at Machinima realm. Yeah, you faggots at Machinima realm that work there. All right, talk shit about my fucking game Fortress craft saying, it's a rip off and that Fortress craft could go suck a fucking dick. This motherfucker with a t-shirt with two horses fucking each other with rainbows talking about Fortress Craft could suck a dick motherfucker. You got another homo sitting right next to you that looks like Abe Lincoln fuck him. Go to this video right now and send your fucking FAG hate. I'm unleashing all these motherfuckers on you. You don't fucking talk shit about me and my fucking game, or I'm gonna fucking talk shit about your whole goddamn crew. And fucking bring you down to your fucking knees where you can actually suck a fucking cock faggot.
Alright, I gotta set the record straight, something is REALLY pissing me off. Notch took another game and ripped it off and made Minecraft. Alright? If we're gonna call stuff a ripoff, let's call it what it is. Notch took another game, ripped it off, created Minecraft. Now Notch comes over to Machinima, alright? And he's sitting next to these dudes and they meet up and blablabla, and these little fucking FANBOYS at Machinima Realm YEAH YOU FAGGOTS AT MACHINIMA REALM THAT WORK THERE, alright? Talk shit about MY fucking game, fortresscraft? Sayin that it's a ripoff and tha- that fortresscraft can go suck a fuckin' dick? This motherfucker with a t-shirt with 2 horses fuckin' each other with rainbows? Talking about fortresscraft can suck a dick? Motherfucker? You got another homie sitting right next to you that looks like Abe Lincoln! FUCK HIM! Go over to this video right now and send your fucking F.A.G hate, I'm unleashing all these motherfuckers on you. You fuck, don't fucking talk shit about me and my fucking game, or I'm gonna fuckin' talk shit about your whole goddamn crew and fuckin' bring you down to your fucking knees, where you can actually suck a fucking cock, faggot.