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Just remove Destiny 2

    Destiny 2 copypasta about glaives
    Just remove Destiny 2. The idea backfired on Bungie and they need to move on. We all know when we see someone playing Destiny 2 in our lobby we all cringe. Wanna get booted from a gaming community? Put Destiny 2 on. Wanna get kicked from a gaming subreddit? Put Destiny 2 on.

    Original was about glaives

    Just remove glaives. The idea backfired on Bungie and they need to move on. We all know when we see someone with a glaive on our lobby we all cringe. Wanna get booted from a raid? Put a glaive on. Wanna get kicked from an LFG for trials? Put a glaive on.

    Lengendary Shards version

    Just remove Legendary Shards. The idea backfired on Bungie and they need to move on. We all know when we see someone with Legendary Shards in our lobby we all cringe. Wanna get booted from a raid? Have Legendary Shards . Wanna get kicked from a Trials LFG? Have Legendary Shards.