Hey Sisters :3
So like, in the beginning it was all dark and a weird af Earth and He was like: "sksksks this darkness ain't shit sister 🙄😤" So He made some light; Then He was like "Oop time to split it🤪" then he called the darkness "night", and the light "day" and it fitted into his aesthetic.
And He made sky in the wet Earth and was like: "Let's name it heaven because 🤠why not?" Also He made the evening and morning or something idk smh.
He made land and the seas and was like "The dry is land and the wet is seas 😇💅". Oh and He made some plants and grass to make it green because 🌠AestheticðŸŒ
So He made some light in the skies so to make seasons, days or something idk. He made it so to have a really hot rad light in the morning and like super aesthetic beautiful lights for night.
And the next day, God was like: " Hey lets put some bitches in the sea and make them happy uwu" and He did. And he stanned it so much that the next day He made some bitches in the land.
God was like "Something's missing 🤔" and He was like, "Oop- how about Man :0" and He did. And Man was destined to rule over Man. But Man was sad because they have no compatible partner. So God was like: "Sksksks k imma get your rib while you sleep so I can make a woman sksksk" And He did. And Man (Adam) and Woman (Eve) was happy.
And he was like: "Omg yasss so good xD"
God said to the peeps to not eat the forbidden fruit but Eve got tempted by Satan (Fucking bitch 🙄😤) and Eve was like "This edible taste like finna shit" so she went to Adam he was like: "nO-" then he took a bit. Then they turned into smartasses and hid because they were naked. And God was like "These bitches ain't shit :/" and kicked them out lmaoo