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Is it weird that I fidget with my balls?

    When i'm alone in my room I often fidget with my balls. I have no idea why, at this point I do it without even realizing. Ill just be laying down or sitting at my desk and reach into my pants. As long as I can remember I've always done this, even before my diagnosis.
    I've just been worried that for some reason this could be bad or an underlying issue but I don't want to ask my doctor because it's embarrassing obviously
    Is it weird that I do this? Do any other ball-havers do this?
    EDIT: First of all, thank you guys for your comments it really helped me to find out im not a weirdo and that other people do this. Secondly, to the people concerned that I might accidentally touch my balls in public, I wan't to make it clear that I will NEVER let that happen. In public I am super self conscious and 90% of my thoughts most of the time are about how stupid i look etc. Most of the time Im trying to blend in and not fidget at all so the chances that I would accidentally touch my balls are definitely 0
    EDIT 2: The amount of honesty in this comment section has restored my faith in humanity