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I’m a New Yorker

    New York copypasta
    I am a New Yorker. I wake up at 5am every day of the week in my 50 square foot run down apartment in Harlem where the rent is $9,695,748 per week. When I wake up I see 5 rats on the side of my uncovered kid mattress stealing pizza from my fridge. I disregard my crappy living conditions and start heading for work. Not even 5:10 in the morning and the traffic is as congested as the nose of a protestor enduring tear gas. There are more cars on the road than bills to pay. I squeeze my way to work through constant honking and finally get to my hellish office job in downtown Manhatten at 8pm. I sit in a little cubicle (the one with the pillar) while my boss screams racial slurs at incoming customers. I have to cope with this bullshit, as I was for 23 years in this job with $5 an hour pay and no promotions. After getting home at 6am, I time travel with my yankee hat to 5am as that is the time I wake up. Such is the life of an average New York City resident.