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im 😊 sorry but 🍑🍑 your memes ✋ are 🙏 cataclysmically unfunny

    im 😊 sorry but 🍑🍑 your memes ✋ are 🙏 cataclysmically unfunny, 🤗🤗 everytime you 👈 send 💌 one i just 💦 dont get 🉐 a single 🖥 laugh 😂😂 when 😩🕕 watching, 👀 just 🗼 when ⏰ watching, 👀 i cant even 👎⏯ act like they 💆 are 🅱 funny and 🍒 i never get slight joy 😁😊 of your memes, 🐃 they 👵👥 always feel 😁 like 😄🏻 an 😚🏻 inconvenience, and 👏〰 i 💰🚫 dont 💇🙅 like 👉 how 🤔 you 👉 simp for 📀 slump6s (bc 💁💁 he 👦 is 💦 ugly obviously) like, 😪 whats 👋 the point of you 😰👈 sending memes? you ❤ are 📉♀ like 🏼 the 🏼🤥 daily 💰 dose of 👸 internet but way ↕↗ more uninteresting.