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If I see one more mid season roster change, I am going to crash out.

    byu/itsDYA from discussion
    If I see one more mid season roster change, especially from fucking Vitality, I am going to crash out. Bro esports teams used to fucking DESPISE eachother. They would fuck eachother’s fangirls and shit. And then they would show up to lan, get the CLASSIC dead team buff (which seems to be forgotten in Val. Think of how many teams actually fucking hated eachother but won anyway in sports and esports history) and win.
    And now “oh well, we just have a different view on the game you see. so we must part ways…” Bro. You think nobody and kangkang sit down and are like “so here is MY vision. Let us align our visions perfectly!” What the fuck are we talking about. Buzz going up to Meteor like “erm hey… our v-visions slightly differ…” JUST PLAY THE GAME YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!
    Fuck this dude. Imagine being a casual fan trying to create narratives in your head for this bullshit. There is no stability and teams go 2 months without playing. STOOOOOP