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I think I rizzed too hard 😭😭😭😭

    I think I rizzed too hard 😭😭😭😭
    I slid into this femboys DMs by saying "Are you Mrs. Butterworth cuz you're hella sweet and you got that hourglass figure" and it went so well, and we had the common interest of playing guitar so I thought why not ask him "Do you wanna play guitar together? I could do the fingering then you could do the stroking." But now he's not responding 😭😭😭😭 He had told me he liked pistachio, so naturally I tried saving it by saying "Are you pistachio mochi? Cuz you look smooth, soft, and squishy, but sweet on the inside too," but he's still not responding 😭😭 Did I fumble? 😭 Did I rizz too hard? 😭