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I saw Oda yeet a garden gnome

    I was walking to McDonalds the other day when suddenly, I saw Oda yeet a garden gnome out of his window. I told him ”Stop! It is disrespectful!”. I carefully picked up the pieces of the gnome and cradled them into my arms, letting tears drop out of my eyes.
    Out of nowhere, Mod Ash entered the room and smiled while he gave me a pat on my back. He immediately banned Oda and gave me a new golden garden gnome and said “You deserve it”.
    Then everyone on the bus clapped. The mayor got up from his seat, said “thank you for your service” and handed me the keys to the city. Then the mail man got out of his truck, shook my hand and said ”Congratulations” while handing me a letter—It was an acceptance offer to Harvard.
    I sat in the armchair, and stared out of the window into the far distance. I vowed that within two years, I would make the runescape community great again.