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I have a fetish for liberal women

    Fetish for liberal women copypasta
    I’m a white Christian conservative man which automatically makes me a terrible person apparently in the eyes of liberal women. I’ve been told I don’t get an opinion because I’m a white man lol
    Im a Trump supporter who is voting for Trump again. I don’t own many guns, but I have a couple. Im also pro life and I go to church regularly.
    That being said, I have to admit I have this attraction to liberal women. I know it sounds crazy. It really does. But I can’t help it.
    When I see Ana Kasparian go on a rant, I may 100% disagree, but I can feel her passion and that’s a turn on. When I see you crazy liberal women shouting people down at marches, once again I may disagree but I can’t help but like it.
    You get extra points if you have tattoos and piercings but it’s definitely not a requirement. I also don’t mind if your hair color is different. Race also doesn’t matter to me unlike you liberal women 😉
    I want to see you wear a MAGA hat even though you probably despise it. I want you to take pictures posing with my guns. You may think you won’t like it but you will 😉