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I hate the fucking buddies

    I hate the fucking buddies. Why is it so hard to keep that god awful behavior inside their own sub? Us normal, sane folks don’t want to see their downgrading behavior out in the open. The way they’re acting is simply ridiculously and brings shame to the whole community and themselves. Not to mention the jokes they make are so overused to the point where it’s not even funny anymore (if it’s even supposed to funny to begin with)
    And also I’m pretty sure some of them aren’t even joking, they’re genuinely dead set serious with the way they’re acting. Probably about half of them buddies are pedophiles or on their way into becoming one.

    Love the buddies version

    I love the fucking buddies. Why is it so easy to keep that admirable behavior inside their own sub? Us boring, stupid folks really want to see their cute and funny behavior out in the open. The way they’re acting is simply awe-inspiring and brings delight to the whole community and themselves. Not to mention the jokes they make are so unique to the point where it’s extremely funny (if it’s even supposed to funny to begin with)
    And also I’m pretty sure some of them aren’t even joking, they’re genuinely dead set serious with the way they’re acting. Probably about half of them buddies are geniuses or on their way into becoming one.