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I fucking hate this subreddit.

    I was sitting an exam like an hour ago and this guy walks in with tight jeans and an absolute dump truck of a man-ass.
    Honestly the dude was jiggly and cakey and it fr made me stare. He caught me staring at him and came up to me to ask me why I was staring at him.
    Thankfully, he didn't know I was looking at his ass. He was one of those macho men who thought I was stirring up trouble.
    Now, I could have de-escalated the situation by simply saying that I got lost in thought or sth.
    Nope. I had to pull a certified Wordington moment. I said without even thinking about it "nah man you just double checked up".
    He looks at me weird and says nothing, just makes a confused face.
    I say then "you got a thug shaker homie"
    Then, in the worst English I have ever heard he says "I do not England".
    Mf couldn't speak English (makes sense, few people can where I'm from), so NOW after I realized my blunder, I get a chance to redemption. I can play it off as me being normal!
    HA! NOPE!
    I change to my native tongue and say "you have a fat ass".
    And he punched me.
    Fuck you guys you ruined my brain with your gay ah ah posts.