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I can’t believe Rushia could do this.

    Rushia having a boyfriend made her fans mald
    I can’t believe Rushia could do this. I’ve been a fandead since the beginning. I bought all her merch and all her memberships. Every birthday I would even give Rushia her very own Akasupa. I’m different from all the other Fandeads. What we have is special between us, or so I thought.
    When Rushia announced her engagement ring I was the first person to have it. I didn’t want anyone to know about our relationship, so I decided to put it “somewhere else” besides my finger. Once I put it on(with the help of some Vaseline) we were now together forever. It was a little too small so I can’t get it off now, but this has allowed me to stay faithful. Whenever I see another girl it’s like Rushia is giving me a slight squeeze to remind me “you’re faithful right? You shouldn’t think about girls that aren’t me” I was always faithful, but it seems I was the only one holding up my end of the bargain.
    As we speak I’m at the hospital getting the ring removed. The pain of the saw is bad, but the pain of this loss is worse. The broken ring is a perfect representation of my heart. I will be mailing it to Rushia once I find out where she lives along with some drain cleaner rigged with a CO2 canister(I sent this to Mafumafu too), so she can feel the consequences of her actions.