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I cannot stop jerking off to female Roblox avatars.

    The Roblox Metaverse is such a wonderful place to be in. You know, you can find some fucking stunning and beautiful girls with these avatars in every premise and experience of the Roblox Metaverse?
    Everytime I play a game in the wonderful Metaverse, I see a Roblox girl, with GIGANTIC THIGHS, sweet beautiful faces with the cherry topping of their glasses, and their hot ass body that I can lay my hands upon on. My dick hardens upon the sight of a Roblox girl.
    I just can't stop jerking off to their avatars because they are so fucking gorgeous and hot. Their avatars getting naked, then getting fucked canine-style, is how I picture them. I go to a bathroom simulator game, and I thrust back-and-forth every female avatar I see. I can't resist this primal urge to jack off to them as it is imprinted in my mindset.