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I am sick and tired of lolicon and pedophile culture

    Lolicon slander copypasta
    I am so tired of having to selectively pick the anime i watch, for fear of being exposed to some stupid fucking teenage girl being sexualized to HELL.
    Why is it so fucking common, every little dirty degenerate out there just says "ohhhh because they're cute and innocent and i am a dirty pig who wants to corrupt!!!!" But they know deep down that's not the fucking answer, deep down they know something is wrong with their mushed up brain, but they never acknowledge it. I am so so tired of it. I am so so tired of liking anime. I am so so tired of otaku culture, even though i am not a part of it, and refuse to get near it in fear of running in the same circles as a disgusting pedophile.
    I wish for the day that people finally acknowledge it sucks and just stop. I don't know what to do about my blunder.
    You might think this is a stupid thing to fixate on and i know it is, but these are the kind of people who can ruin others too, for no reason other than for their pleasure. Ive seen sick fucks use their shitty kiddie porn to try to groom real children. Ive seen how unhinged these fuckers can be, and the fact it sticks with me pisses me off, the fact these people exist pisses me off, and i wish for every single one of these people, who willingly sexualize kids and act as if its ok, to drop dead.