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I am done with the Gold Coast Suns Football Club

    Started from a Reddit post in r/AFL venting about the performance of Gold Coast Suns. The public meltdown after a loss has become a copypasta.

    This is it. This is the lowest moment of my day, my week, my year, my life. This was meant to be the game where we proved we will be a finals contender, to show we can be competent outside of our home state, our biggest opportunity for an away win against the team on the bottom of the ladder after coming off a win against the reigning premiers.
    The conversation is the same every year, “this year the Suns will make finals”, “they have brilliant young stars that will get them over the line in the next few years”, “this year we’ll prove the doubters wrong”, “THIS YEAR WE WILL SHOW WE’RE MORE THAN JUST A BASKETCASE CLUB”, but it never happens and honestly I don’t think it ever will, we’ve done more in the fucking vfl for fuck sake, at this rate we’ll be relocated to FUCKING BANGLADESH
    This is one of our best lists in years, built from seasons upon seasons of failure, priority picks, academy players and many who have come and gone without a lick of success at this club, with a head coach at helm who took the laughing stock of the competition for years to a dynasty, but nothing is different.
    I can’t even say some shit like “DO IT FOR THE EMBLEM” because there’s no reason to play for the emblem, we have no history outside of being the cellar dwellers of the comp, the biggest influence we’ve had over the years is building a name for DAN GORRINGE FOR FUCK SAKE-
    we have 7 games left to prove ourselves, well actually 3 because we can’t win a game south of us to save our lives, and i HOPE, i PRAY, this club comes from the clouds and finally makes it to september and makes me look like a fucking knob, but i just can’t see it happening.
    it’s so over, we didn’t engage with our minds, thoughts, our hearts, or even our energy. We’re not always going to get it right, and that’s okay, but we have to get it right eventually for fuck sake, we’re passionate about the game, just like you, and we care, but holy FUCK, sometimes, on a clear Saturday arvo, i just don’t want to join the ride, thank you basil.

    Collingwood Football Club

    I am done with the Collingwood Football Club
    This is it. This is the lowest moment of my day, my week, my year, my life. This was meant to be the game where we proved we will be a top 4 contender, to show we can be competent with some more players bacm, our biggest opportunity for a comfortable win against a team in the top 8 after coming off a tough loss against the never to be premiers.
    The conversation is the same every week, “this year the pies will still make the 4”, “they have brilliant young stars that will get them over the line in the next few years”, “this week we’ll prove the doubters wrong”, “THIS WEEK WE WILL SHOW WE’RE MORE THAN JUST A FINAL QUARTER COMBACK WOUNDERS”, but it never happens and honestly I don’t know if we are even anything this year. we’ve done more in 2021 for fuck sake, at this rate we’ll be relocated to playing games in Geelong.
    This is one of our best lists in years, built from seasons upon seasons of so close, father som picks, and many who have come and gone without a lick of success at this club, with a head coach at helm who took the laughing stock of the competition for years to a dynasty, but nothing is different.
    I can’t even say some shit like “DO IT FOR THE EMBLEM” because thats carltons thing, the biggest influence we’ve had over the years is building a name for BRADEN MAYNARD FOR FUCK SAKE-
    we have 7 games left to prove ourselves, well actually 3 because we can’t win More then one quarter a game to save our lives, and i HOPE, i PRAY, this club comes from the clouds and finally makes it to september and makes me look like a fucking knob, but i just can’t see it happening.
    it’s so over, we didn’t engage with our minds, thoughts, our hearts, or even our energy. We’re not always going to get it right, and that’s okay, but we have to get it right eventually for fuck sake, we’re passionate about the game, just like you, and we care, but holy FUCK, sometimes, on a clear Saturday arvo, i just don’t want to join the ride, thank you basil.