I always wondered how the Moon Clan survived without any guys on the island. I think I was about 14-15 when I knew where babies came from, so it made no sense that there would be all girls on this isolated island. Naturally I looked up "can girls have boy parts" and oooooohhhhhh maaaaaaaaan I never looked back. I always imagined the people on the island, floating around packing a wand under their dresses, from which a glance could be stolen should one steal a peek amid a gusty day. I pictured huge festivals where they all get together in a great ceremony enjoying one another's company with their enchanted rods, ensuring the next generation would carry on. Even Cyrisus is not safe from their carnal pleasures, as they surround him, their essence pulsing against his legs. He awkwardly stumbles about the island as they ensure him the Moonclan dresses and lingerie are traditional outfits for outsiders, and give him their "ceremonial drink", a thick, creamy substance that tastes of fine strawberries. Then, as he performs a ceremonial dance before them- adorned in licentious garments for their amusement- they begin to initiate the ceremonies with him, one by one. As the last woman of the island filled him with her life-giving powers, his sissy legs give out as he lays motionless- unable to comprehend anything but the insatiable longing for more.