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I accidentally drank my cum jar

    Let me explain. This was about three months ago. I used to have a cum jar (because of a pornography addiction) that was hidden under my bed. It was what I think to be about 1 AM. I had fallen out of my bed and woke up. I had a SEVERE fucking throat ache. I saw my cum jar under the bed, but I thought it was milk (I have milk in my room). My dumbass didn't think to recognize that the milk was in a glass jar and since I was super tired I thought I had a bottle from like the milkman or some shit (can't exactly remember). I open it, drink it, and think "damn, this is good fucking milk". I quickly chug the rest of the jar and go to sleep. Next morning I wake up, get out of bed and notice a tipped over mason jar with semen leaking out. as I'm sitting there thinking "how could this happen?" I remember that glass of milk I had last night. That's how I drank my own cum jar.