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Hina from Blue Archive

    MILH - Man I Love Hina 
    If Hina has 100 fans, I’m one of them
    If Hina has 10 fans, I’m one of them
    If Hina has 1 fan, I’m that fan
    If Hina has no fans, I’m no longer on this world
    If everyone is against Hina, I’m against the world
    Needless to say, Man I Love Hina 
    For Mini Hina:
    White hair, fair skin, purple eyes,
    Four horns, big heart, smol in size.
    So brave, so strong, so lovely,
    Like sun, like moon, like the sky.
    Believe, beware, be careful.
    The demon makes me unwise.
    Headpat, pamper, spoil Her Grace,
    For the cuteness fill my life.
    -----------For Hina,
    -----------with Love
    According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a Hina should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its cute little body off the ground. The Hina, of course, flies anyways. Because Hina doesn't care what humans think is impossible.