Here is how Capitalism is comparable to My Wife Leaving Me
First of all, my wife is gone (I miss her very much). Similarly in Captalism the “Surplus Value” of the “Workers” is gone (Marx Reference). Additionally we see a very bureaucratic system with middle management jobs that don’t really need to be done in Captliksm, likewise I had to spend my Monday signing “Divorce Paper” instead of going fishing with the guys. Finally, in capitulatistic society every person is atomized (“Osmosis Jones” Reference) and part of a larger ‘spectacle’ as Debord observes . On the other hand my wife made quite a “spectacle” of herself when she screamed at me for two hours about perceived failings in our relationship. (I thought it was fine)
Hopefully we can one day start a “Revolution” to defeat this oppressive system. I have personally arranged an “Anti-Capitalist Fishing Trip” with the guys in which each fish we catch will be equally shared.