So earlier today I was relaxing in my bed after having gotten off a 12am-12pm shift at my job, and I was about to go to sleep, i receive a text message from my son. It's a YouTube link, and he accompanied the link with "BASED". The link led me to a YouTube video titled "Nazi Germany - Under Hitler's Spell - The Rise Of Hitler N01f". I quickly message my son back asking "What is this, what do you mean "Based?" He responds a few minutes later "Oh sorry mom that was meant for my friends don't worry about it" This is worrying me very much, as when I ask other people what "Based" means, they just say it's a way if thinking, or say I obviously am not. What am I supposed to do? I thought I raised my son better, but it's scares me that he's becoming a fascist. Please, can somebody tell me what any of this means, or how I should proceed?