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Good game everyone! You guys were kinda embarrasing not gonna lie

    Good game everyone! You guys were kinda embarrasing not gonna lie, but thank you for the free elo and good luck on ur next game because you are definitely gonna need it. This game felt like a deathmatch tbh or more like a game in the range against the practice bots. I recommend you guys Aimlabs or the range to help improve your aim because it was kinda terrible... in all honesty you might want to consider uninstalling. Anyways thank you for the free win and good game u absolute BOTS.

    Good ending

    Good game everyone! You guys were kinda cracked not gonna lie, but thank you for playing and good luck in life because you are definitely gonna do some great things in your future. This game felt like a scrim tbh or more like a game in VCT against pro players. I recommend you guys start streaming because your skill level is kinda insane... in all honesty you might want to consider going pro. Anyways thank you for the good practice and good game u absolute LEGENDS.