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Fyre Festival

    HEY 🚨 YOU 👧👉 BASS HUNGRY 😋 SLUTS 💁💰 Get ready for 🐻 Fyre Festival 🎉 2: 🏿🙈 The Splash Back! Fyre Festival 🎉🎉 is 😇 back 🙅⬅ again 😩 and 👌👅 this time 🕐 you KNOW 💡💭 there 😩⛔ won’t 💪💪 be 🐝👦 any 💦💦 melted cheese 🧀 or cold 😵 beans 🌱🌱 to eat 🍟 because these BIG 🐳 BOYS 👦 are 👏🤰 gonna ❓♂ put that FIRE in ⚓⤵ you 🚫 in 🍆 every 🔪 way possible!!! So get 🉐 your 🙋 friends 👫🙆 together 👷👬 and 😩 pack up ⬆❤ a 😼 bunch of SHITTY 😠 clothing because ❕ we 👨😺 are 💰🚟 going to PRIVATE ISLAND 🍹🏝 where 😾 only 👉😤 our 💰💰 most 🥇☺ BAD 💦🤦 ASS sexiest people 😃👨 will 👊 be 🐝💪 allowed 😡🙅 ️in . If 🏼🏼 you 👉👅 want 😒👉 to keep 🙊👩 things HOT 😍 then send this 👌 message 👈 to 👅💦 20 🆗 of 🔉🔧 your 🏼🅱 SLUTTIEST 🍆👄 friends. 🖐 If 👏🤔 you 👋 don’t 🚫🚫 get ☹👮 any responses by 😈 tomorrow 🚗🙌 afternoon then ✡😁 the 👇🚟 big ⬆ bad FIRE 🔥 BITCH 💁 GAMEZZZ will DIE 🚦 FOREVER!!!! If 👏❗ you 👈💦 get 10-19 😂 responses then its 👌 TAYLOR SWIFTSKYPE SESSION TIME!!! 🙌 If you get 👻 20+ responses guess what 😟 ?? BIG 🍆👅 BOY 🏻👱 GONNA 😩🏼 PUT THAT 🍑🚟 FIRE ON YOUR CHEEZ SANDWICH