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Funeral copypasta

    Heard🗣️👂the news📰🗞️about the passing😭😫😭 of your loved one💕💘💖 R.I.P. REST IN PUSSY💦💦👅🌮🌮🌮 and GET LAID🛌↔️in their DIRTY grave🪦😝 Whether they’re CREAM-ATEd🌫️⚱️🌫️😋😋🤰or STUFFED🦃🦃and given a WIDE open-casket⚰️😘😩 (I know it’s what the WHORE👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ would’ve wanted⭕️💢⭕️💢) If they were a BAD🙈little DEVIL😈they’ll be going DEEP😮‍💨🤤in Satan’s🥵tight HOLE🔥🕳️and riding💃🛶🕺across The River🌊of Dixs🍆🍆to meet Slay-des🔥👹⛓️ Send this to 1️⃣0️⃣ family members🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 in moaning💦😫💦 so their soul gets a one way 🎫👅🎟️ticket🎟️👅🎫right to🫦Daddy’s🫦🧎‍♂️‍➡️lap🧎‍♂️and He can FUCK🍆🍆🍆your HOLE-ly🕳️🕳️ASS🍑💦🍑 and BLESS🙏🙏🙏you with His 😇heavenly😇 LOAD🌫️🌫️🌫️💦Make sure to FUCK🍑🍆your SLUTS🥴😣🥴 while they’re HORNY😳🥵😳Life🤰👶👧👦👨👩👴👵is short but this DICK🍆🍆 is LONG↕️↕️↕️ 
    my 🤠🙋🏾‍♀️funeral ⚰️💀invite📝📬:
    yoooo👋🏾 guess 🤔 who❓just ⚠️ died ⚰️⚱️ y'all 👥? ME!! 🙌🏾😪 and 😒 that's ↗️the↖️tea ☕️🍵 sis 🙆🏾‍♀️ askdkdjd 🔤 I'm 🚫 cancelled🚷af🚯
    drop 💧down👇🏾to get 🚬turnt🔧girls👧🏾♀👭: 🆓free🆓boys👦🏾♀👬:💲$15💸
    According🔬 to most studies⚗️⚖️, people's number one1️⃣ fear is public👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 speaking🗣. Number two2️⃣ is death☠️. Death☠️ is number two2️⃣. Does that👈🏻 sound right➡️? This means to the average✔️ person🙋‍♂️, if you go to a funeral💀⚰️, you're better off🔛 in the casket⚰️ than doing the eulogy😂😂😂🗣🗣🗣😂😂😂😂😂 
    I don't 🙅🏼wanna sound 🗣too much like Larry David 🤷🏼‍♂️👴🏻but 👐some funerals 💔💀☠️are too 🕐 long🍆🍆😏like this person lived a long 🍆🍆🍆😏and full 🍑🍑🍑life but 2️⃣hrs is the max 💯I wanna spend 💵💸💰at a funeral👻👻
    👁👄👁 So some of my students👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ ask me professor 👩‍🏫what are your thoughts 🤔🧠 on death ☠⚰ and I said honestly I am not afraid to die 🙅‍♀️ and I dont know🤷‍♀️ if that's an attribution of my mental illness 🏥 or I'm just not. Like life to me 🙋‍♀️ is just one big video game 🎮🕹 and I'm going to play 🤺🎮 as hard as I can til 🏇🏂 someone else takes me out 🗡⚔🏹 of the game then it is game 🎮 over 🙅‍♀️. I dont want anyone crying 😥😭 at my funeral ⚰☠. I am dead ☠, this is a 💃💃celebration 🎊🎊🎉🎉 cause life was hard 😓. When I am dead ☠ I could care less about this body 💁‍♀️ They can dress👗👠💄 it up and throw it 🙌 into a pile of necrophiliacs and I can go out with one more 😄😄 good time💃💃. At my funeral ⚰ I want a rachet funeral 😛⚰☠. I want two of my ex-girlfriends 👭 to be fighting 🤺 like at the foot of the casket⚰. I want there to be a drive by 🚗🚗🚘🚙 but I dont want anyone to get hit ☠☠ because it is my day 💁‍♀️💃 to get photoshopped in those ghetto ass clouds⛅☁️. It's my day🙆‍♀️. For the repass, I want it to be at the strip club💋. And lastly I've never 🙅‍♀️ done drugs🚬🚬 in my life because my brain 🧠👀 is wired backwards 🔙 and I dont think 🤷‍♀️ that would ever help but a lot of people 🙎‍♂️🙎‍♀️🙎‍♂️🙎‍♀️who do love me 😘❤ and that are in my life 🙋‍♀️who do smoke🚬 so I can be cremated 🔥🔥 so they can take my ashes 🙌👀 and roll them up 🔝and smoke me 🚬and that's how I want to go out 👁👄👁