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Fuck you, Redditard

    Fuck you Redditard. You should be ashamed of yourself for stealing quality content such as his. You’re merely a plebeian nerd that likes to steal OC from content creators because you’re unable to create sophisticated and HILARIOUS content that is actually meant to be uploaded on iFunny not Reddit. You see, the difference is iFunny is for people who are not only witty, but extremely intelligent, thoughtful, and hilarious. Reddit on the other hand, is meant for silly nerd baffoons that don’t have a sense of humor, are stupid and not funny. A monkey sitting at a typewriter can come up with more quality content than you. Hell, my baby sister could probably come up with a more quality content username. If I did a poll right now on iFunny about you, we would all be shredding you to smithereens because quite frankly, you’re a pathetic loser. I just wanted to personally let you know that if I was your dad, I would disown you. You should really consider coming up with better, more quality content like the original uploader because the content you have is just pure bologna. I’m sick and tired with Redditards like you stealing quality content and then just posting it to reddit and thinking that you’re original and funny. Quite frankly, it’s just plain pathetic.