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Forreal goddamn that’s an ass you put in tupperware

    Forreal goddamn that's an ass you put in tupperware cause you can't eat it all at once. That's an ass you put on layaway cause even if you could afford it all at once it'd be too much. That's an ass a waiter would make some smart ass comment about you being hungry if you finished the whole thing. That's an ass you need a bookmark for so you can come back where you left off. That's an ass that needs a checkpoint system so you can jump right back in if you die. It's the type of ass you set up camp halfway through and head up to the summit in the morning. There should be a tax on that ass and it should be in the highest bracket. If you won this ass in the lottery and chose to get it in yearly payments instead of a lump sum you'd still have enough ass from year to year to last you a lifetime. There are still parts of this ass that are unmapped. This ass could end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This ass could lead a successful working class revolution to seize the means of production, those means being this ass. This ass is orbiting the sun and dragging the Earth along with it. NASA should redirect Juno and the Hubble and bring Voyager back into this solar system to study this ass. There is probably a graveyard of fallen soldiers in this ass. People want to talk big but there's no way you're coming close to handling that.