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For groupchats that don’t respond to your memes

    When I send a meme on the group chat I expect every single person on the group chat to react to the meme. Especially if I tag you in the meme I expect you to write a heartfelt message of atleast 200 words about what the meme means to you. If I tag you multiple times in a meme I don't care if I send the meme at 2am or 4am or 3pm I will need you to turn on push notifications for the group chat so that when I tag you in a meme you will show the meme to everyone you are with at that point in time. I don't care if its your mom, dad, coworker or therapist. You better be showing them the meme I tagged you in and explaining to them how good of a friend I am. I know a few of you in the group chat are angry that I found out where you live and where your siblings live. But that is not an excuse for not responding to my memes. I carefully curate each meme based on each one of your personalities. I make sure to crop out the reddit footer or erase any part of the meme that could make the meme seem unfunny to you. After this I expect all 33 of you in this group chat to write to me a formal apology for your behaviour. If you refuse to do so i will have to look for your house using Google maps and the little information I have about your whereabouts. Afterwards I will be printing out memes and putting them in your letter box. If you still refuse to apologise to me I will have to embarras you by buying sex toys and delivering it to your neighbours in your name and make it look like a "mistake by the FedEx employee", your neighbours will have to hand deliver the sextoy to you or will secretly judge you. Not to mention the several of you that still live with your parents that will no longer be accepted in your household