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Elder Maxson’s speech from Fallout 4 but it’s about Simps instead of Synths

    Brothers and Sisters, the road behind us has been long and fraught with difficulty, each and every one of you has surpassed my expectations by rapidly facilitating our arrival in the Commonwealth. You accomplished this feat without a hint of purpose or direction, and most impressively: without question. Now that the ship is in position it is time to reveal our purpose and our mission. Beneath the Commonwealth, there is a cancer known as the Institute, a malignant growth that needs to be cut before it infects the surface. They are experimenting with dangerous technologies that could prove to the world's undoing for the second time in recent history. The Institute scientists have created a weapon that transcends the destructive nature of the Atom Bomb. They call their creation: The Simps, a masculine abomination of humanity that is free-thinking, and donates money to female streamers, this.. notion.. that a loser could be granted attention will is not only offensive.. but horribly dangerous and like the atom, if they aren't harnessed properly, they have the potential of rendering us extinct as a species. I, can not allow the Institute to continue this line of experimentation. Therefore the Institute and their Simps are considered enemies of the Brotherhood of Steel and should be dealt with swiftly and mercilessly. This campaign will be costly and many lives will be lost, but in the end, we will be saving humankind from its worst enemy: Itself. Ad Victorium.