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Do Guinaifen’s vids have any originality?

    I have to get this one off my chest. Y'all are simping for her as if the whole world revolved around her, but I feel compelled to speak the truth. Is there ANY originality to the vids and posts she makes? She's terminally online, and her accounts are literally everywhere, churning out her vapid content not just here on Ghostly Grove but on other platforms as well. Is she that desperate for money? And everything she posts is either overused, outdated, cringey memes or just clout-chasing clickbaity stuff that appeals to the lowest common denominator. If not that, then she would just straight up STEAL other people's ideas. And she calls herself a "content creator", LMAO. I can't be the only one who finds her boring, right? Right? She has such a large following, yet she never uses it to address any of the pressing social issues. Why is that!? All she does everyday is make mind-numbingly "fUnNY" hogwash! People like her are the reason why society is going down the drain!