Did Adam eat Eve's ass? Think about it. From the moment they were created to just before Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit, they were exploring the Garden of Eve, as well as trying to understand each other. Was the time in-between a matter of days, or weeks? We do not know because we were not there. Despite Genesis being the official story, this Old Testament book was created for human understanding, thus we don't actually know. Therefore, Adam had plenty of time to experiment, despite not knowing what he was doing. One afternoon, Adam could've placed his hands on Eve's ass and decided, "Hm, this feels nice, I wonder what it tastes like?" Please keep in mind that the good Lord said they could eat ANYTHING in the Garden, except the Apple of Eden. With this fact in consideration, Adam could have proceeded to eat Eve's ass without repercussions, with God looking on thinking: "Well, they aren't eating the Apple, so..." Lucky bastard...