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Death of her majesty the queen.

    I'm heartbroken. I feel anguish beyond all compare. My mind, soul and body are nothing but empty shells, I am but an echo of my former self. My life and all its purpose, meaning and joy have been robbed, and I fear my will to live shall never return. Words are but squiggles that will never have the power to portray how truly melancholy I am. When I heard the news, it's as if all the colour was looted from my world. All passion and happiness melted before my very eyes. Since her majesty's death, I only see black and white, pain and misery, hopelessness and suffering.
    Oh, my queen. My heart and the heart of the nation longs for you. We grieve for you. You were our rock, our foundation. I deeply fear for the outcome of our planet now that you are not here to guide us with your goddess-like wisdom. The nation is inconsolable, it weeps for our queen.