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C’mon! I spend all fucking day working my ass off at my bullshit job

    byu/boxburnabs from discussion
    It's floe. Ice Floe.
    I spend all fucking day working my ass off at my bullshit job that does nothing for humanity, then get in my shitty little car and fucking kill an innocent squirrel on the way home because the asshole behind me was tailgating me so I couldn't sloe down enough to let the little guy scramble across the street, then I get home and have to cook some fucking food for myself and I'm fucking starving but oh wait, apparently the freezer broke while I was gone and all my ice melted and leaked into everything and water logged my milk carton causing it to weaken and rupture and so I had to clean all that fucking shit up and because if I don't clean up the milk, I'm gonna get the roaches again, and last time that happened, I accidentally ate several roaches a day because they would just shoot right into my mouth and I have fucking idea why and the roach meat made me fucking sick as a dog and I'd throe up which would attract more roaches, new, different roaches, and when the new roaches get together with the old roaches, they form some sort of synergistic roach society and they keep trying to shoot up my pant legs and mess with my junk, so I gotta wear the special underwear again with the hose clamps, and all I wanna do it just sit down with my phone propped up in the crook of my elboe and see some witty puns on Reddit, but what do I see?
    Fucking flow instead of floe.
    I'm done with this world, man. Let the roaches take me at this point. They can finally have my body. What am I even fighting for anymore?


    I spend all fucking day working my ass off at my bullshit job that does nothing for humanity, then get in my shitty little car and fucking kill an innocent squirrel on the way home because the asshole behind me was tailgating me so I couldn't sloe down enough to let the little guy scramble across the street, then I get home and have to cook some fucking food for myself and I'm fucking starving but oh wait, apparently the freezer broke while I was gone and all my ice melted and leaked into everything and water logged my milk carton causing it to weaken and rupture and so I had to clean all that fucking shit up and because if I don't clean up the milk, I'm gonna get the roaches again, and last time that happened, I accidentally ate several roaches a day because they would just shoot right into my mouth and I have fucking idea why and the roach meat made me fucking sick as a dog and I'd throe up which would attract more roaches, new, different roaches, and when the new roaches get together with the old roaches, they form some sort of synergistic roach society and they keep trying to shoot up my pant legs and mess with my junk, so I gotta wear the special underwear again with the hose clamps, and all I wanna do it just sit down with my phone propped up in the crook of my elboe and see some witty puns on Reddit, but what do I see?
    Fucking X instead of Y.
    I'm done with this world, man. Let the roaches take me at this point. They can finally have my body. What am I even fighting for anymore?