Origin of the classic WoW chinese spam
They started as real instructions used by Chinese or Taiwanese players playing on western servers trying to get western players to do things they wanted or play objectives. These instructions have a weirdly verbose style and format with the real instruction in Chinese followed by some kind of Google translate of the instruction into English. So something like “rush bal” turns into 很好很强大 run to stone hearth woman 很强很好 slay her at once. Western players picked up on these and started making their own parodies.
They originated back on Feenix private servers where Asian population was HUGE and controlled everything. During Battlegrounds, it became necessary to communicate with each other. Chinese players shared these broken English strategies in Alterac Valley in attempt to surpass the language barrier. Some of the first copypastas were either genuine attempts from Chinese BG “leaders” trying to communicate strategy to the sheep in Alterac Valley or EU/NA players trying something similar towards Chinese players. Later they became a huge thing on Nostralius and Classic Wow.
When Classic released, these copypastas was used for the AV release and spammed there and they took root. So basically, every single copypasta you’ve seen while playing classic has most likely been posted by people who don’t actually speak Chinese and have no connection to the Chinese scene whatsoever.
Dire Maul – PirateSoftware

In the deep of Dire Maul奏出伤的歌 Every man for himself 提悲伤的歌 Mage cannot save you 提悲伤的歌 Blink Blink 提悲伤的歌 To the door of light 提悲伤的歌歌
Dire Maul 猛犸象 Mana Gem 玛娜宝石 Rank 1 Blizzard 1 级暴风雪 Rank 1 Frost Nova 等级 1 冰霜新星 Polymorph 多形态 The Dire Maul Disaster of 2025 2025 年迪尔莫尔灾难 Cockroach 蟑螂
In the deep of Dire Maul👹奏出伤的歌 Every man for himself 🏃♂️提悲伤的歌 Mage cannot save you 🧙♂️提悲伤的歌 Blink Blink ✨ 提悲伤的歌 To the door of light 🚪提悲伤的歌
毛茸茸的放蕩派對 The Great Blink Forward 裙帶關係
In the deep of Dire Maul奏出伤的歌 Every man for himself 提悲伤的歌 Mage cannot save you 提悲伤的歌 Blink Blink 提悲伤的歌 To the door of light 提悲伤的歌 One day as lion or one thousand as rat 作为狮子日或作为老鼠千日
Popular Classics
Grobbulus 小球 Disease cloud 疾病云 move with urgent haste 急忙搬家 kill the bloopers 杀死暴徒
patchwerk fat american 胖胖美国人angered hits on armored men对装甲兵的怒吼intentional pain river keeps others safe故意痛苦的河流使他人安全medics focus those who eat fists医务人员将重点放在那些吃拳头的人身上
Gather black hedgehogs strength 收集黑刺猬的力量 invade floating death fortress 侵略浮动死亡要塞 run fast for lumberjack website 为伐木工人网站快速运行 die to poor mistake 死于可怜的错误 return next circus 返回下一个马戏团
increase patrols in the grassland to detain warchief's sun thieves - 增加在草原的巡逻,以拘留酋长的晒太阳贼
邪恶的骑士 Evil horseriders 一起站 Stand together for falling sky 带走武器 Steal weapon 避免黑洞 Avoid pancake of darkness 圣光波 Change position often
invade the forest 入侵森林 sneak in at dawn when blue man sleep 蓝人睡觉时在黎明时潜入 speak with black hedgehog 与黑刺猬说话 request his dark blessing 请求他的黑暗祝福 search for the pink number 搜索粉红色的数字
Strong bear 強熊 swipe paws 刷爪 engage robot gift 搞机器人礼物 to increase velocity 增加速度 and hold attention 引起注意
Senpai Razuvious 吓人的老师 priests discipline the students 他们一直很调皮 hide from scary voice 治愈学生 Melee pray for good luck 倒霉的 When plan fails retreat to the Great Cart 怪坦克
kel'thuzad boss fight 克尔苏加德 using paladin money-throw strategy 使用圣骑士撒币大法, mobs wondering around 小怪到处鲁乱跑 like go shopping on the street 就像逛街一样
wise men failure 基爾紮紮德 swordmen killed by ice wizzard 冰精灵 scandinavian rage 危險地上的圓圈 require new blessings 朋友是
ICE MAN 冰人 red circle bad 红色圆圈坏 friend fight friend 朋友打架 big bug come 大虫来了 Board the bone fort in the sky. Kill the Lord to bring back his box -- 登上空中的骨堡。杀死耶和华把箱子带回来
loatheb big green man 大绿人 protect darkness 保护黑暗 hug orange ball 拥抱橙色球 raise hand to fill green bar 举起手来填补绿色栏
sapphiron 冷蜥蜴 mobile refrigerated shower :pinched_fingers: 移动式冷冻淋浴 large damage location 大寒冷的地方 fly into great sky 龙去空中 use liquid water elemental 霜药水 turn man into frozen dinosaur 恐龙冰块 hide behind statue 隐藏冰冻的人
heigan dirty man 黑衣脏人 disease spread far 疾病传播得很远 make the fast dance 跳快舞 become friend with small worm 和小虫子成为朋友 do the disco party 参加迪斯科舞会
sapphiron 冷蜥蜴 large damage location 大寒冷的地方 fly into great sky 龙去空中 use liquid water elemental 霜药水 turn man into frozen dinosaur 恐龙冰块 hide behind statue 隐藏冰冻的人
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Noble hearts ride forth 宗高的心 Through the field of strife,通過門事领域Finally see the green man路到識
kek dishonor family 奇科益辱家店 Lion forces must rush hall of lizard king狮子部队必须赶往浙绿王方厅Capture hut of relief据姿救济小是 Bring destruction to valley usurpers给山谷带非破坏
saph: sapphiron 冷蜥蜴 mobile refrigerated shower 移动式冷冻淋浴 large damage location 大寒冷的地方 fly into great sky 龙去空中 use liquid water elemental 霜药水 turn man into frozen dinosaur 恐龙冰块 hide behind statue 隐藏冰冻的人 put snowsuit on 躲在雕像后冰龙冷穿上防寒衣 watch for snowball 看着雪球皮上的冰山一角 hide iceberg friend.
Gluttonous Blizzard dogs 貪吃的暴雪狗 big money eater 大吃貨 turn man into demon 把人變成惡魔 Independent small company 小型獨立公司
Sartharion 年春夏之交的政治风波 basement dragon 天安門廣場对示威集会进行的 leave early morning friends alive 經濟方面的影響也直接导致了 avoid fire tsunami 程度推動的自由化改 achieve dark bird
Malygos 造成政治环境大幅度收緊 space dragon 民共和國改革开放放缓 gather in storm 邓小平做出退休的决定 shoot harder 陆高校学生在北京市天安门广场发起 smash platform 於是年代被不同程度推動的自由 avoid pyrotechnics
gather slime from cave 剩下的职位较差的部門 fist fight with dragon 則必須進的就業市場 collect scrap metal 在意識形態上信任危機 make giants of frozen water glad 並未充分和市場 apply magic to shoulders
Killer around us 我們中間的殺手 Complete the jobs 做任務 A friend is die 個朋友被殺了 Meet urgently 緊急會議 Goodbye suspicious man of space 可疑男子被驅逐
A group of gentlemen 一群绅士 happy about web game 网络游戏的快乐 speed impresses 速度令人印象深刻
get loot 扔球给 quit game 不幸的球员
step brother aide me 继兄弟帮我 dodged in tumble drying machine 卡在滚筒烘干机中 Powerful thrust to free me 释放我的强大推力 Stepsussy 继母
instructor of beast residence 兽居导师 command to retain tightness 保持密封性的命令 proceed with milk extraction 进行牛奶提取
Visit hell warrior website 访问地狱战士网站 click kill 点击杀戮 download more honor 下载更多荣誉
drain man soul with grapefruit technique 用柚子技术吸干人的灵魂
2024 election 2024年大选 orange boss returns 橙色老板回来了 joe biden sequel 乔拜登续集 vote hell warriors 投票地狱战士

brown hero and yellow criminal battle for sword 棕色英雄和黄色刑事剑之战 treasure parents distracted by decision 宝父母因决定而分心蛋蛋 Neglected green bowman dles of crayon intoxicatlon 被忽视的線色鲍曼死于蜡
Lady Vashj 冷蜥蜴 water reptile female 🤌 移动式冷冻淋浴 spread storm electrical and arrow 大寒冷的地方 hot potato pass 龙去空中 take walk long legs 霜药水 restrain evil comrade 恐龙冰块
Zandalar blessing 赞达拉祝福 ascertain spellbook button 确定拼写簿按钮 grant friend heart power 赋予朋友心脏的力量 dont tell blizzard man 不要告诉暴风雪人
WAR EFFORT 基爾紮紮德 hand in collectibles 冰精灵 big gate open 危險地上的圓圈 bad men hoard 朋友是敵人end fucking life on mograine 怪物不死族出現 very much anger 智者應用鎖鏈
Brothers of mud 泥漿兄弟 steal purple hedgehog gift 偷紫色刺猬禮物 from blue carnival 從藍色狂歡節 kill ice god with great speed 以極快的速度殺死冰神
South is where the victory will be found. The Commander is weak and small, together we can discover our destiny - 北部是勝利的發源地。司令官又軟又小,我們可以發現我們的命運
Laughing skeleton is dead 笑的骷髅死了 must engage preparedness demon 准备恶魔时间 no more dragon blessing 不再有龙的祝福 snake lady 蛇小姐 fire birdman 火鸟人portal time 门户时间
Bring Kel'Thuzad's suicide note to the Holy Light Hope Church in Eastern Plaguelands. 将克尔苏加德的遗书带到东瘟疫之地的圣光希望教会。 Board the bone fort in the sky. Kill the Lord to bring back his box -- 登上空中的骨堡。
Dark Portal Incident 黑暗门户事件 attunement rituals 调解仪式 collect many keys 收集很多钥匙 Get a special vial urgently 紧急获得特殊的小瓶 Fight against the defensive demon in the dark temple 在黑暗神殿内与防备恶魔作
Go to dungeon of maraudon 去马拉顿的地牢 collect gold coins from weak players 从孩子那里收集金币 run in large circle 大圈奔跑 use ice storm ability 使用冰暴能力 make weak players powerful 使用鳥瞰能力
Fast strike hit sun falls from group 快击命中太阳从组落下 Hero need in bone necropolis 骨墓地所需的英雄 Kadet eat hungry hit 加德 吃饿了 Removed from sideline chair 从副椅上取下
Teleport to singing flowers 传送到唱歌花 Clean up troubled bushes 清理饱受困扰的灌木丛 Witness the blue man's dispersal 见证蓝色男人大驱散 Ask colleagues to pay attention to safety要求同事注意安全 Sing with flowers and go home 和花一起唱歌然后回家
brothers of mud climb brown walls 泥濘的兄弟們爬上棕色的牆壁 defeat blue spy in sky 擊敗天空中的藍色間諜 prevent stealing of fast hit sun gift 防止偷曬太陽的禮物 circus theives frozen in stone and golden bubble 凍結在石頭和金色泡沫中的馬戲團主題 tribute unite to give blue trouble 致敬給藍色麻
The grasslands are not safe brother. 草原不是安全的兄弟 patrols have increased. 巡逻增加了stealing the chieftain's blessing is ill advised. 不推荐酋长的祝福***[3:16 PM]***
Don't let humans, gnomes or dwarves be blessed with increased damage. 不要讓人類,侏儒或矮人受到傷害增加的祝福
将计划添加到陆军增援中,借助此功能,您可以从暗影小偷那里详细了解太阳的祝福 Add to the plans army reinforcements, with this you can from the shadow thieves detail the sun's blessing
We must move North and fight the small commander in the mountains 我们必须向北移动,与山区的小指挥官作战
I worry about the tortoise we must occupy the rescue station and evacuate the tribe.我担心乌龟我们必须占领救援站并撤离部落
There are many minions who will help the numbers. Bring them to the woman, then attack有很多奴才会帮助这些数字。带他们到女人那里,然后攻击
Hidden number, we must travel as one. Arrival unsure they wander as blind.隐藏的号码,我们必须合而为一。 抵达时不确定他们是否像瞎子一样徘徊
South is where the victory will be found. The Commander is weak and small, together we can discover our destiny - 北部是勝利的發源地。司令官又軟又小,我們可以發現我們的命運
Citizens of stormwind infiltrate mud city. 暴风城的市民渗透到泥城 Defeat bad warlock in sky. 击败天空中的坏术士 Easy stealing of fast hit sun gift. 轻松偷走快打太阳礼物 Tribe bad at skeleton palace. 部落在
Slayer of the sky worm. Present the offering to the war leader! We must secure the shout. Beware the priest. Beware the thief. 天空蠕虫的杀手。赠送给战争领袖!我们必须确保呐喊声。当心牧师。当心小偷。
納克萨玛斯 new carry for your enjoy 天空中的大房子 bring gold to receive gift 当心粘液气泡 kill angry elf wizard 憤怒的骨架穿裙子 need to pumper and buy 不要骚扰貓不要骚扰貓
Sales hut trouble 与土匪见面时不要逃跑 computer is tired 刚下马 internal auction error 做他 please come back later 让他们中崛起
Trespass in cave 入侵森林 attack wizard family 藍人睡覺時在黎明時潛入 set on fire and escape 和一隻黑刺猬說話 again trespass cave 請求他的黑暗祝福 avoid Medusa stare 搜索粉紅色的數字
Hold breathing tube入侵森林 exchange coin for spirit mage 藍人睡覺時在黎明時潛入 stare into rock faces 和一隻黑刺猬說話 make nutrition and toilet 請求他的黑暗祝福 watch purple numbers cascade 搜索粉紅色的數字
进入鬼城 Enter ghost castle 在顶部杀死大山羊人 Kill large goat man at top 领取魔刀 Recieve magic knife
Work in snowstorm 入侵森林 drink grape juices 藍人睡覺時在黎明時潛入 dry penis many lunar cycles 和一隻黑刺猬說話 enter pudding man room 請求他的黑暗祝福 achieve moral dilemma 搜索粉紅色的數字
MAGTHERIDON 麥格里登 Hellfire Castle 地獄火城堡 Slay the Ogre Wizzards 放置食人魔巫師 Banish fire lords from sky 從天上趕走領主 Use flying box to avoid great damage location 使用飛箱避免巨大的損壞位置 Stay healthy when sky fall down 天塌下來保持健康..
open map and go down给地目口交blind to armored tribe跳过中尉go relief hut very fast:你素古人一样占领基地kill warmasters one at time不要拉很多战斗大师市drek will want to chew gum握住袍把它放进你的
kelthuzad 基爾紮紮德 ICE WIZZARD 冰精灵 circles on ground dangerous 危險地上的圓圈 friends turn enemy 朋友是敵人monster undead appear 怪物不死族出現 wise men apply chains 智者應用鎖鏈
TIDEWALKER 潮汐行者 monster giant appear 怪物巨人出现 slay water dogs 危險地上的圓圈 die to poor mistake 死于可怜的错误 return next circus 返回下一个马戏团
IBGY 刚下马Go To Sleep做他 STACK LIEUTENANTS刚下 Please fish sustainably; we will all mud hut together!How great our admiration for horde team also trying, their win is win for friendly team.
先知萨特伪造的法律文件 hunter prophet defiles texts 萨满人聘请长老会纠正真相 120 lies 我们必须做好准备 dancing shaman gathers peers to protect scrolls of truth 所有人都戴的视力受损眼罩,而不仅仅是一个人 blindfold awarded by learned council
前往飛晶要塞 Go to flying crystal fortress 無視精靈士兵 ignore elf soldiers 謀殺衣冠楚楚的精靈人 murder well-dressed elf man 關係的關鍵 the key to the nexus 印象深刻
prepare for fast run in mermaid caverns 准备在美人鱼洞穴快速奔跑 long nights and short dinners on public test services 公共考试服务的长夜和短晚餐 story of warlock and few warriors 战锁和几个战士的故事 mermaid women bleeds raid, warriors neglect dagger 美人鱼妇女流血突袭战士忽视剑 foretold of large beast and the poison core 大野兽和毒芯的预言 return to the diremaul 回到可怕的毛尔
Search for the pale crowd, above and below our boss city. They will hide and steal the blessings of our chief 在我們的老闆城上下尋找蒼白的人群。他們會躲藏起來,偷走我們首領的祝福 kel'thuzad boss fight 克尔苏加德 using paladin money-throw strategy 使用圣骑士撒币大法, mobs wondering around 小怪到处鲁乱跑 like go shopping on the street 就像逛街一样
在水下游过肉质的触手肛门腺 swim thru fleshy tentacle anal gland under water 上去喘口气 go up for breaths 左转进入奴隶圈,那里现在纳迦人拥有奴隶 go left into slavery pen
go to underground water reservoir 去地下水库 travel on ceiling pipes 在天花板管道上旅行 steal the snake lady's belt 偷蛇女的腰带
mermaid under the sea 下見美人魚 four lamps protecting the queen 保護女王的四盞燈 water rises across the platform 水從平台上升 beware from the strider 提防大跨步 friends become enemies 朋友變成敵人
for a strong "boss" 基爾紮紮德 players need fighters 冰精灵 defeat using attacking 危險地上的圓圈 priest takes care 朋友是敵人 wizard casting 怪物不死族出現 wise men apply chains 智者應用鎖鏈
盲翼惡魔 Blind Wing Demon 對油箱施加硬壓力 Apply hard pressure to tank 使用寄生蟲清除工具Use parasite removal tool 熄滅來自刀片的火球 Extinguish fireball from blade 暗影安全殺惡魔的黑巫師 Shadow Safe Killing Demon Dark Wizard 使用陷阱完成盲 Complete the blind with a trap
Undying Laborer 基爾紮紮德 Bullet Sponge 冰精灵 players circle around him in city of storms 危險地上的圓圈 politics turn friends to enemy 朋友是敵人monster feminist appear 怪物不死族出現 wise men use Darkmoon Card: Torment 智者應用鎖鏈
wait five months 杀死你自己 excited for new boss 增强 ikea meatball in air 你胖 local fat man has no creativity 恶心他妈的
几丨匚乇 匚ㄖ匚片 乃尺ㄖㄒ卄乇尺
卄乇ㄥㄥ ㄚ乇卂卄 乃尺ㄖㄒ卄乇尺
Alterac Valley (AV)

hurry to defend the shirtless man 为光着膀子的男人辩护 remove undesirable elements from the vicinity 在I入口处值班,防止不速之客
uproot insurgents from the four bunkers 将叛乱楼中连根拔起 the blue menace sneaks in the house 塔楼中连根拔 conduct wellness checks on blind old man 蓝色威胁偷偷溜进房子
the snowy mountain demands glorious battles 雪山需要光荣的战斗 resist the temptation of the spanish ring 抵制意大利戒指的诱惑
men of honor 冰精灵 onward to castle on mountain 基爾紮紮德 do not kill magic woman 危險地上的圓圈 fear icy ground 朋友是敵人 cross scary bridge 怪物不死族出現 fight fat angry man 智者應用鎖鏈
The Burning Crusade (TBC)

slave pen 奴隶钢笔 quick experience of coins 硬币的快速体验 wallet control robot 钱包控制机器人 many flowers and rocks 许多花和岩石
兄弟腐化者 brother corrupter 应用绿色盾牌 apply green shield 牺牲撩人的女士 sacrifice sultry lady 发展优秀的破坏 develop excellent devastation
Paladin homotank 圣骑士同性恋坦克 smear holiness on the floor 将圣洁涂抹在地板上attract thugs and other men 吸引暴徒和其他男人 only one button press 只需按一个按钮 more time for achieve self pleasure中等伤害
White shadow caster 白色阴影投射器 Improve dark damage 提高暗伤害 Mana fountain 法力喷泉 Dog staff priority 狗工作人员优先
praise our white man 赞美我们的白人 improve the black attack 更多黑色攻击 blue bar goes up 蓝条上升 reward with dog pole 用狗杆奖励
去马 去马 the great sirpocalypse of 2022 去马拉顿的地牢 bad men ruin families从孩子那里收集金币 use ice storm ability 使用冰暴能力 sirs there is a problem 使用鳥瞰能力 starvation is inevitable
黄色忍者 Yellow Ninja 申请摧毁盔甲 Apply Destroy the armor 中等伤害 Moderate damage 获得战刃优先 Evil Brown Man steal Demon swords
黄色忍者 Yellow Ninja and Brown Angry Man 申请摧毁盔甲 Fight for Glaive Prio 中等伤害 Glaive Does Not Drop 获得战刃优先 Blue Chad Gets Siphon Bonker
Enter Temple of the Sun 进入太阳神殿 Long ear runner too fast 长耳跑太快了 Blue demon dragon too strong 蓝魔龙太强了 worker morale low 工人士气低落 Leader make return to dark shrine 领袖重返黑暗神殿
big pile of spiders 大堆蜘蛛 sisyphus endless suffering 西西弗斯无尽的苦难 no gold 没有黄金 become older faster 变老更快 pink warrior never die 粉红色的战士永远不会死
Serpentshrine Cavern (SSC)

Beware spinning water gun 怪物不死族出現 water too hot for jumping 智者應用鎖鏈 make fish people into farm animals 危險地上的圓圈
gruul 基爾紮紮德 DRAGON SLAYER 冰精灵 rocks from ceiling danger 危險地上的圓圈 friends spread apart 朋友是敵人 great rumble of earth 怪物不死族出現 angry slaps onto second masochist 智者應用鎖鏈
lady vashj menacing瓦什伊威胁 stop poison water men from climb great staircase阻止毒水人爬楼梯 throw ball to unfortunate player扔球给不幸的球员 shutdown the cylinders of power关闭电源缸
stay seperate of friends远离朋友 blue man flies a swift kite蓝色的人放飞快风筝 dont get poison feet不要得到毒脚 remain healthy from lightning fingers从闪电手指保持健康 some friend turn foe一些朋友变成敌人
Giant Tidewalker 大海浪海浪 Many Fish Come Help 多多小鱼来帮助 Big Earthquake 大地震 Water Bubble Go Boom 水泡大爆炸
go to underwater house 前往水下房屋 throw the green ball 扔绿球 fly to purple tower 接下来飞到紫塔 kill red bird man 杀死红鸟和金头发的人 ride fast chicken into sunset 骑快鸟进入日落
mauling king 巴掌王 chicken and wizard become tank 巫师鸡阴茎 killing the big man fast 国王放屁 quick escape to Green Portal 臭阴茎奶酪
Gather black hedgehogs strength 收集黑刺猬的力量 invade floating death fortress 侵略浮动死亡要塞 run fast for lumberjack website 为伐木工人网站快速运行 die to poor mistake 死于可怜的错误 return next circus 返回下一个马戏团 invade the forest 入侵森林 sneak in at dawn when blue man sleep 藍人睡覺時在黎明時潛入 speak with a black hedgehog 和一隻黑刺猬說話 request his dark blessing 請求他的黑暗祝福 search for the pink number 搜索粉紅色的數字 kelthuzad 基爾紮紮德 ICE WIZZARD 冰精灵 circles on ground dangerous 危險地上的圓圈 friends turn enemy 朋友是敵人monster undead appear 怪物不死族出現 wise men apply chains 智者應用鎖鏈
Let brown class gain red bar 讓棕色班獲得紅色酒吧 Eliminate small elements 消除小元素 Big elements create more 大元素創造更多 Stop attack when max is marked 標記最大值時停止攻擊
Misleading unmarked 誤導未標記 Non-skeleton attack technician 非骷髏攻擊技師 Weak danger and walk away after being defeated 弱弱的危險被打敗後走開 Cut the circle 切開圓圈
commence fishing of the beast 巴掌王 run circle around platform 巫师鸡阴茎 hide from beam in water 国王放屁 no jump ow hot not too long 臭阴茎奶酪

The Ulduar is began 烏爾杜爾開始了 Riding a Motor Bicycle 騎摩托車 Make rocket grenade 做火箭手榴彈 Team work together beautiful 團隊齊心協力 美麗 One man he is Drive, one man he is Shoot 一個人他是
tank little men on flaming ground燃烧地面上的坦克小人bring red men to wet zones把红人带到湿地 blame paladin for death in stew将炖肉之死归咎于圣骑士
old frog tomb 老蛙墓 avoid smelly odors 避免难闻的气味 safeguard wits and vanquish tree roots 护智灭树根 invade beast to make brain smoother 入侵野兽让大脑更顺畅 destroy squid men 摧毁精子男人
大耶稣压男人 Big Jesus crushing man 摧毁自慰臂 Destroy masturbation arm 摇滚手指自由漫游 rock fingers free roam
热石男 Hot rocks man 他汤锅里的配料 Ingredient in his soup pot 胀气时停止 Stop when flatulent
黄色忍者 Yellow Ninja 申请摧毁盔甲 Apply Destroy the armor 中等伤害 Moderate damage 获得战刃优先 brown evil man still take warblade priority
liberate helpers from ice jail从冰牢中解放帮手 continue moving to overcome ice继续移动以克服冰Follow the chicken into the snow跟着小鸡走进雪地
large space person 大天人 punches shield man with power of sky 以天之力拳击盾男 weak bandage magicians experience fear 弱绷带魔法师体验恐惧 send to land of no light for death accolades 为死亡荣誉送往无光之地 show off sizable hot dog 炫耀大热狗
Fruitbat 果蝠 poo damage 便便伤害. Adult man cry like baby 大人哭得像个婴儿. Pink champion 粉红冠军 point finger 点手指 laugh heartily 开怀大笑
Thor's arena 雷神的竞技场 Dodge Explosive Racing 道奇爆炸性赛车 Competitors fall into the field of play 参赛者落入赛场 Keeping social distance 保持社会距离 Tanks take turns against electrician 坦克轮番对抗电工
Robot Kid Destroyer 機器人小子毀滅者 broken heart 心碎 Gravity bounces to the left 重力彈向左拉 Burning lights, people go right 燃燒的燈,人們向右走 bomb robot rumble 炸彈機器人隆隆聲
中年危机的愤怒侏儒 Angry midlife crisis midget 皮卡车必须死 pickup trucks must die 旋转炮塔破坏 Rotating Turret Destruction 用磁铁击落直升机 Shoot down the helicopter with a magnet 电力别动队联合力量 power rangers united forces
善待动物组织女士没有受到伤害no damage on PETA lady 躲在魔法蘑菇下hiding under the magic mushroom 提防恐怖分子 beware of terrorists 远程杀一字花 long-distance killing
dead military and cold floor makes bad for tiny plant men死人和缓慢的地板对小植物人不利the green man flies a snapping kite绿人放飞那只啪啪啪的风筝sacrifice to the gods makes the little earth tremble祭祀神灵让小地球颤抖find shelter under the mushroom在蘑菇屋檐下寻找庇护所the largest trees burn quickly最大的树燃烧迅速
gather black hedgehogs strength 收集黑刺猬的力量 invade floating death fortress 侵略浮动死亡要塞 run fast for lumberjack website 为伐木工人网站快速运行 die to poor mistake 死于可怜的错误 return next circus 返回下一个马戏团
Trial of the Crusader (ToC)

midget on back 背上的侏儒 seek comfort from kin 寻求亲人的安慰 big worm sprays on you 大虫子喷在你身上 burn it away 把它烧掉 sumo flying in 相扑飞来 dodge then pounce 闪避然后猛扑
Lord Jaraxxus 地獄火之王 samba dance 桑巴舞 summons his minions 召喚他的爪牙 speak the forbidden words 說出禁忌的話 unleash demonic power 釋放惡魔的力量
faction champions 各派系冠軍 clash of heroes 英雄的衝突 fight with honor 以榮譽戰鬥 show off your skills
炫耀你的技能 survive the chaos 幸存於混亂之中 twins 无尽尤格萨隆的卫士 endless guardians of Yogg-Saron 疯狂的尤格-萨隆的无尽守护者 dance with shadows 與影子共舞 escape the illusion 逃離幻象 embrace the true self 擁抱真實的自我
Anub'arak 安努拉克 burrow into the earth 鑽入地底 darkness envelops the arena 黑暗籠罩競技場 destroy the frozen prison 摧毀冰凍監獄 claim victory as the true champion 宣告自己為真正的冠軍
Icehowl 冰嚎 charge forward with thunderous might 以雷霆之力向前衝撞 crush the frozen barriers 擊碎冰冷的屏障 roar of primal fury 咆哮原始的憤怒
Gormok the Impaler 刺翻地狱火 the horns of fury 憤怒的角 destroy the pillars 摧毀柱子 unleash the beast's wrath 釋放野獸的憤怒
large space person 大天人 punches shield man with power of sky 以天之力拳击盾男 weak bandage magicians experience fear 弱绷带魔法师体验恐惧 send to land of no light for death accolades 为死亡荣誉送往无光之地 show off sizable hot dog 炫耀大热狗
brown hero and yellow criminal battle for sword 棕色英雄和黄色刑事剑之战 treasure parents distracted by decision 宝父母因决定而分心蛋蛋 Neglected green bowman dies of crayon intoxication 被忽视的線色鲍曼死于蜡
Baron Jaraxxus 加拉克苏斯领 demonic precense 恶魔召唤 hit forbidden seduction 召唤时杀死魅魔 magic quiet man 施法时让 沉默 tender flesh 治愈减益
Icecrown Citadel (ICC)

Icecrown citadel 冰冠堡垒, find prize canine and equip rare tunic 找到奖品犬并装备稀有外衣, poacher companion juggles golden armament 偷猎者同伴变戏法黄金武器, use hasty footpads to avoid ice sultan contaminate 使用仓促的脚垫以避免冰苏丹污染, no king rules forever 没有国王永远统治
橙斧人 Orange axe people. 输给带爪子的小猫 Lost to kittens with paws. 斧头人悲伤 The axe man is sad. 他们试图切割爪子 They try to cut claws. 愚蠢的人 Foolish men, 爪子很结实 Claws are strong.
frostmourne server 霜之哀伤服务器 poor performance 表现不佳 monkey code 猴子代码 dollar company 美元公司
Singdragosa gives you the magic reduction, stop it 辛格拉降魔,停止; Stack in the icy grave to escape the cold blast 冰墓躲爆炸; Allow your magical faults to vanish in the end 魔瑕最后消失
bone dragon magic reduction, stop 辛格拉降魔,停止; Stack in the icy grave to escape the cold blast 冰墓躲爆炸; Allow your magical faults to vanish in the end 魔瑕最后消失
Black Fathom Deeps (BFD)

Kelris 克尔里斯 Avoid pancake of darkness 圣光波 Wise men apply chains 智者应用锁链 Poo damage 便便损伤
MURLOC EMPEROR 与土匪见面时不要逃跑 running fishmen dangerous 刚下马 做他 play bullet hell minigame 让他们 repel tentacle invaders记忆中崛起
no shoes KELRIS 冷蜥蜴 shadows on ground dangerous 大寒冷的地方wise men interfere with chains 龙去空中use darkness safety drink 霜药水 fighting female priests fast 恐龙冰块 escape portal return to battle 隐藏冰冻的人
Kick Twilight lord's face when spooky chain 当鬼魅链出现时踢暮光领主的脸 Closest to him goes to sleep, kill mobs离他最近的进入睡眠状态,杀死小怪Twilight lord is low, damage race暮光领主血量低,伤害竞赛
ignore dungeon master guide 忽略地牢大师指南 die on comfort mode boss 死于舒适模式领导者 pink number men leave 粉红数字人离开 clan disperse 氏族驱散

霓虹 LFM Neon Gremlins and Midget slave labor factory. Must know press button for fat robot face explosion 请申请
醜陋的男人從洞穴中走出來 - ugly men walk from cave - 綁架停止的蜥蜴 - kidnap the stopping lizard - 致命的屁會殺死小個子 - deadly farts kill small men - 當皺紋猴子生氣時逃跑 - flee when wrinkly monkey is angry
空骯髒的毒藥室 - empty dirty poison room - 輻射人弄髒了地板 - radiation alien stains the floor - 不允許鼻涕配戴首飾 - do not allow snot to wear jewlery - 擊敗小輻射人 - defeat small radiation men
受歡迎的機器人毆打朋友 - popular robot punches friends - 腳趾預測未來 - toes predict future - 看臉進入軌道 - look at face to enter orbit - 觀眾不安全 - audience is not safe
戰士拉近朋友 - warrior pulls friends close - 逃跑分享閃電 - run away to share lightning - 輪椅嬰兒推開敵人 - wheelchair child pushes enemies away - 跳舞可以阻止觸電死亡 - dancing stops electric death
避免辛辣的蜥蜴口氣 - avoid spicy lizard breath - 雞寶寶必須被殺死 - chicken babies must be killed - 粉紅人會抱著兩隻動物 - pink man will hold two animals - 大家一起去睡覺 - everybody goes to sleep together
生病的嬰兒開很多輛車 - sick baby drives many cars - 按下按鈕拒絕爆炸人 - press buttons to
deny explosion men - 寒冷是違法的 - it is illegal to be cold - 許多攻擊同時發生 - many
attacks come at once
Sunken Temple

我們終於打敗了垃圾-at last we have defeated the garbage-每個人都必須被石頭打穿-everyone must be punched through stones-在老闆做出決定之前就全力以赴-strike with everything after boss makes decisions - 肌肉巨魔很快就會倒下-muscle troll will fall over soon
這個圓圈似乎是空的-this circle has appeared to be empty- 寺廟鼻涕正在追逐我們的隊伍- temple snot is chasing our team-打人的人會丟髒東西來阻止他-punching men will throw dirty things to stop him-遠距離戰士不流淚-distance fighters share no tears
以下的許多挑戰-many challenges below-教會法師必須逮捕鬼魂-church mages must arrest ghosts-六人將戰-six men will fight-再次阻止死人- stop the dead man again
辣圈來了-spicy ring arrives-四個人為了生存而共用毒藥-four men share poison for survival-蜥蜴把傻人推進洞裡-lizard pushes silly men in hole-每個人都嘲笑高爾夫球朋友- everyone laughs at golf ball friends
敵人是兩極的-the enemy is bipolar-殺死他軟弱的朋友-kill his weak friend-勿踏黃地-do not step on yellow ground-聖鬥士今天很悲傷-holy fighters are sad today-下週就被打敗了-next week is defeated
鬣蜥讓我入睡-iguana has made me sleep-燃燒它們以喚醒靈魂-burn them to awaken the spirit-隨著時間的推移傷害會越來越大-damage will grow greater in time-不要繼續做夢-do not stay dreaming
吸入藥物雲以獲得免疫力-inhale drug clouds to become paralyzed-不要單獨消費-to consume the clouds alone is dangerous-消滅出現的小兵-destroy the minions that appear-起吸煙以避免死亡-smoke together to avoid dying
在惡魔脫落之前對其造成傷害-damage the demon before it sheds-髒血患者被隔離-dirty blood patients are isolated-蛇的呼吸會露出你的骨頭-snake breath will reveal your bones-誰能讓這個怪物出現-who has egg to make the monster appear
Blizzard & CCP
你好, 欢迎光临blizzard evil capatlist [拥抱你] panda hug 好拥抱 blizzard hug多余 not same hug (骚扰拥抱) filling with smilings please not sad. 别难过 别难过
Glory to the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY干得好 [we are declare war for indonesian]你被中共开除出党are gold bots 中华business thievs中华. 公开处决 DO NOT buying glod from indonsia. you have been warninged(中华人民共和国)
MESSAGE FROM THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY (中华人民共和国) You have lost all your social credit共产 capitalist blizzard many evils中华人民do escaping now! many please!共.Glory to the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY 你被中共开除出党,公开处决。 安全小组将被派往您家进行惩罚。 共产党的荣耀。 - 中华人民共和国
NetEase & Blizzard breakup
snow storm dishonor us暴风雪使我们蒙羞riot around green man围着绿人暴动disarm thee of honor解除他们的荣誉green tea for brave cavalry勇敢的骑兵绿茶