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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

I’ve searched your name up in the Navy SEAL database

    Did you just think that you could fucking fool me with that comment of yours? I’ve searched your name up in the Navy SEAL database and you have never even graduated BUD/S, hell, even served in the Armed Forces. If you were actually a Navy SEAL, then you actually know how to spell guerrilla, you fucking moron. And you say you are the top sniper in the entire US Armed Forces and have over 300 confirmed kills. If that were true, then why the fuck is Chris Kyle a household name and you aren’t? And plus he only had 160 kills. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. Plus why the fuck would you say you have a secret network of spies yet you just revealed that you had your secret network of spies? Are you a fucking idiot? If you can kill someone seven-hundred different ways, then list them all, I bet you can’t even come up with seven. And if you had access to the entire US Marine Corps arsenal, then why the fuck did you just say you were in the Navy SEALs earlier? If only you could have done your research prior to posting your little “clever” comment, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you goddamn idiot.

    Copypasta response to the Navy Seal pasta


      PROVE YOU ARE A SEAL!! I CALL BULLSHIT ON YOU! 300 CONFIRMED KILLS? BULLSHIT! You WILL be investigated for Stolen Valor as of this morning. You just committed a Major FELONY by making threats of violence against Civilians utilizing US Navy weapons! I have exposed 100+ POS like you trying to ride OUR accomplishments on the Battle Field. You have my word as a US Army, 101st. Airborne Ranger/Veteran, your ass is now mine, little lying bitch boy!!!!!!! Your STUPID ASS is going down FAST.

      Copypasta response to the Navy Seal pasta

      Dude, Rosalina is one of the deepest characters in Mario

        Dude, Rosalina is one of the deepest characters in Mario, she was orphaned at a young age, got lost in space where she became the emotionally closed off mother figure to the lumas and a gaurdian of the universe and eventually met Mario where she finally let herself live a semi-normal life having fun with Mario and his friends, if that's "cringe, bland and boring" to you, you either are taking an overly serface level look at the character or are just making up a reason to hate her or something.

        Mahogany Homes is literally a scam

          Amy is the founder and head of Mahogany Homes
          Obviously for XP its fine, but think about it in the context of the game universe for a moment.
          This woman Amy hires you as a contractor to fix peoples homes. She provides no supplies, no transportation, and most importantly NO PAY.
          You are literally providing her with free supplies and labor while she gets to keep the money from the contracts.
          The only thing you receive as a reward is essentially company scrip where you can buy back some of the supplies YOU USED TO DO THE CONTRACTS.

          Nykypäivän homot

            Minkä ihmeen vuoksi nykypäivän homot ovat kaikki jotain animeluusereita jotka eivät uskalla perkele mennä edes ulos muiden ihmisten ilmoille? Katsellaan saatana jotain uguu-söpöilypiirrettyjä yksin kotona ja tilataan kiinasta tyttöjen vaatteita ja pukeudutaan niihin ja postaillaan kuvia internettiin huomion toiveessa saatesanoilla "Tahtoisin vain että joku koskettelisi pyllyreikääni hellästi ;_;", jonka jälkeen itketään itsensä uneen animetyttövaatteet päällä ketunhäntätappi perseessä.
            Missä on kaikki VANHAN KUNNON NAHKAHOMOT? Viiksekkäitä Tom of Finland machomiehiä nahkavaatteissa ja itsevarmuus huokuu saatana aina Lappeenrannasta Vantaalle asti.
            HOMOILU ON MIESTEN HOMMAA!! Ei ollenkaan tuollaisille pelokkaille tyttöjen vaatteisiin pukeutuville hiirulaisille. Muistakaa se! 

            Open English translation

            For what reason are modern gay people always some weeb losers who cant even bring themselves to go outside amongst other people. They fucking watch some UwU cutie cartoons alone at home and order girls clothing from china that they dress in and post pictures of themselves to internet craving attention with the words "I would just want someone to finger my butthole gently ;-;", after which they cry themselves to sleep while wearing a maid outfit and having a fox tail buttplug inside their anus. WHERE ARE THE GOOD OLD LEATHER HOMOSEXUALS? Hairy Tom of Finland machomen with moustaches wearing leather outfits while their self confidence radiates from Lappeenranta all the way to Vantaa. BEING GAY IS FOR MEN!!! Not for those fearful girl clothes wearing little mice.
            Remember this!

            Porn Addiction and it’s consequences, by Theodore John Kaczynski

              Porn Addiction and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the “sexual freeness” of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to degeneracy and loneliness, and led to widespread psychological suffering and have inflicted severe damage on growing human minds. The continued spread of Porn Addiction will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater degeneracy’s and inflict greater damage on growing human minds, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering and loneliness even in “advanced” countries.