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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

I snapped this picture of X yesterday.


    I snapped this picture of @shaunking yesterday. He was about to write his first post about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He was sitting on the couch in my office gathering his words, research, and videos and suddenly got up and went to the window. He was overwhelmed by it all and just needed a moment to breathe and reflect. ⁣
    None of what he does comes without a price. The images he shares, the stances he takes. For days so many people were pulling on him asking why he hadn't posted. People from both sides. Years ago he would've done so without a second thought. Today, he's well acquainted with the consequences of taking stands against the establishment. We've lost so much and much of it has been excruciatingly painful for our entire family. I'll always be proud of him for doing what's right, though. Especially when it's not easy. #freepalestine🇵🇸

    Destiny version

    I snapped this picture of Destiny yesterday. He was about to write the first page of the Hasan manifesto. He was sitting on the cuck chair in my hotel room gathering his words, research, and videos and suddenly got up and went to the window. He was overwhelmed by it all and just needed a moment to sip his hot choccy and reflect.
    None of what he does comes without a price. The memes he steals, the bad food takes. For days so many people were pulling on him asking him why he hasn’t streamed. A month ago he would’ve done so without a second thought. Today he’s well acquainted with the consequences of taking stands against the establishment. We’ve lost so much and much of it has been excruciatingly painful for the entire polycule. I’ll always be proud of him for doing what’s right though. Especially when it’s not easy. #banqorantos

    There comes a time in every man’s life when he needs to take a look at himself in the mirror and wonder how exactly he reached such a place.

      Steam copypasta review of visual novel games
      There comes a time in every man's life when he needs to take a look at himself in the mirror and wonder how exactly he reached such a place.
      You have to truly ponder what decisions you have made along the way that brought you to the place of your final reckoning.
      It is still unclear, even to me, even to God perhaps, why I purchased <PORN GAME>.
      There isn't anything wrong with it, as visual novel with hentai scenes throughout it's perfectly stellar. But when you look at it as a choice, you realize just how flawed you and the rest of humanity is.
      What drove me to purchase such a game? What part of my soul felt so empty that I thought an anime girl could fill it?
      When I look into the boundless depths of my own loneliness I see a pool of reflection. My face isn't there, there is no face. There are only tears in that pool, tears of shame and loss and confusion.
      If it were up to me again I know I would purchase it in a heartbeat, I know I would load it up and skip through the countless pieces of dialogue all so I can have a single morsel of pornographic images which are readily available online.
      Yet, despite the abundance of naked anime women waiting in the digital sphere, I still chose to purchase this game and devote hours of my life to it. That time will never return to me, it is lost just like my soul and just like the time I fear I may never find it again.
      There is something broken within me, something that desires sensation beyond my reach, something that whimpers every single night with the knowledge that there is no true Succubus: SEX Story, it is a merely an illusion.
      In my pursuit to find meaning in this long life, I sought the colorful lights and sounds of a world that only exists in a pop up window on my computer.
      I am unsure what the moral of this review is, I am unsure about my place within the universe, all I know is that no amount of anime girls can cure the vast rot that has overtaken me. 

      Every Steam review copypasta

      I’d just like to clear something up regarding the accusations being made about me by some of the female members of this group.

        Discord feet pics apology
        I'd just like to clear something up regarding the accusations being made about me by some of the female members of this page. The accusations regarding my so called "behavior" are untrue and extremely hurtful.  To the accusers (you know who you are kitten), a few points for your consideration: thinking
        1) Yes I was asking for feet pics in DMs, I will admit to that. Apparently this can come off as inappropriate for some. So I reluctantly apologize for that.  
        2) The feet pics I was attempting to accumulate from this server were strictly for artistic purposes and NON-SEXUAL in nature. Ever heard of a non-sexual foot fetishist? Well sorry to break it.  
        3) I have almost NEVER taken screenshots of the feet that have been sent to me and/or sent these pics to other people  
        4) No I have not been making threats to those who choose to ignore my messages & friend requests. Telling someone who has clearly wronged me that there will be consequences for their actions is not a "threat". I consider it more a... life lesson per se. Learn the difference then report back to me. I'll be right here waiting for an apology.  
        5) And finally, as you can see, I didn't tag any of the women who wronged me in this message, as doing so would not comply with my ethics, but I will always respect one's decision to have their own so called "opinion" no matter how misguided it may be. 
        As you can tell, my interests lay mainly in the high arts and I can guarantee you that if and when you do decide to step down off your fucking throne and accept my humble friend requests (feet pics or not) at the very least you will end up having a very compatible and knowledgeable friend.  Hopefully this clears a few things up with the more disgruntled members of this page.

        You call that a copypasta?

          You call that a copypasta? Uh, dude, I don't mean to hit you hard with the cold water or anything, but that's not a copypasta. It is, by all definitions, NOT a copypasta. That's just a wall of text. Those are two different things albeit being related: not all copypastas are text walls, and not all text walls are copypastas. No rational person would think to themselves "It's a good idea to copy and paste this!" in any situation whatsoever. Like sure, I can copy this, I am capable of pressing Ctrl + C, but then where do I paste it? In Notepad or Pastebin? Any social media site? Of course not, that just makes me look like a creep and a weirdo! What makes you think I would even consider copying it in the first place?! You'd have a better chance of finding my corpse hung on a meat hook than seeing me post that ANYWHERE. Think of it this way: let's assume some idiot on Reddit made a bad take, presumably about something you and many others like. This happens daily, of course, but in the event that the hypothetical braindead non-intellectual does say something along the lines of "I hate this, I hate that, just because it exists" and you feel compelled to send that copypasta as a reply. BOOM! Story about incest jumpscare. Do you think that's a good response to an objectively dumbass take? Do you think that would get you some easy updoots as well as serve as a legitimate comeback to the hypothetical braindead non-intellectual? In every possible dimension the answer is NO, this makes you just as stupid as the hypothetical braindead non-intellectual! You'd be looking like you were a ragebait Quora repost bot that got lost. And even worse, because the copypasta message uses first-person reference, there is sure to be some people thinking that what you just copypasted is an actual story that YOU are telling them! I don't give a damn whether it is fake or not - it's disgusting, repulsive, abhorrent, deplorable, and above all, it is NOT a copypasta! And even if you pasted it as a joke, it's a very badly executed joke at that, even more so than when Shane Dawson made the joke of cumming on his cat! This is not even a joke at all! Who do you think you are, Amy Schumer? At least with the Vaporeon copypasta, its absurdity had a level of humor that overtook the disgust most normie internet viewers would feel when reading it. But that? That is absolute garbage. No one would find it funny. It's just pathetic and sad and makes you a nincompoop for even trying. No one would even appreciate the small effort you went through to copy and paste this ridiculous, garbage low-budget Wattpad fanfic about how one lost his virginity to his sibling. No one wants to read that, not even for fun. Don't ever consider saying that's a copypasta, because it's not, and you need immediate therapy and mental help as well as a deep and existential rethink of your life choices if you say otherwise. It is nothing more than a fabrication, a text wall of filthy content that benefits neither the writer nor the copypaster. It's not worth considering and it never was.
          That's about it. See ya.

          Is binding my keyboard considered cheating?

            Wtf are you serious? I've been rebinding my mouse keys for the last 4 years and have been living in fear that I will one day get found out and be banned. Just last night I woke up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat because I had a nightmare that someone knocked on my door and when I opened it it was Peppy.
            Unfortunately, it indeed is considered cheating. Peppy stated in a tweet last week that anyone who is caught using keyboard inputs is cheating for tapping will be automatically banned. Accolibed has recently been permanently banned and has his house raided by police after setting a mind breaking 87.27% FC on the one and only Harumachi Clover, an astonishing 142BPM and obtaining the osustd pp record worth 6pp. The fact you are not yet auto banned is completely unprecedented. Governments all around the world have outlawed using keyboards for playing osu! and has declared it to be "high treason", anyone found doing so will be immediately hunted down and executed. It is very likely that the government is tracking you down as I speak, all while giving you a sense of false hope, self-accomplishment, and the illusion of safety. Run, if you value your life. The frenzy has begun. The moon is red. We're out of time.

            Check out every OSU copypasta!