“Communism rules!”

"Communism rules!" he posts on Reddit on his $2000 MacBook Pro while playing Clash of Clans on a $1000 iPhone, stopping only to drink an $8 Frappelini Mochano Machiatto at Starbucks which provides free Wi-Fi utilizing privately-owned infrastructure at their own expense. A drip of coffee spills onto their $500 Ambercrombie and Fitch exclusive clothing. The Redditor is triggered; the pain of this PTSD-afflicting incident can only be resolved by downvoting every post on T_D and CringeAnarchy. Now calmed down, the Redditor makes a quick stop to the local hospital. He orders his 2 inch dick lopped off. For $10000, he is now the girl he always wanted to be. Thankfully, she had insurance due to Obamacare, so it wasn't her money that was spent. Later it goes to the bank. "I'd like a $20000 student loan." All of it goes to Bernie's campaign. Match them.