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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

You are NOT quirky.

    Wowww you like food, huh? That means you're quirky, right? WRONG! Everyone loves food you cum-soaked cunt, we LITERALLY NEED IT TO SURVIVE. You're not cool, you're not unique, you "loving food" isn't a fucking personality trait. You looove pizza and mcnuggets, and that means you're sooo easy to take care of, and guys should "date YOU instead of all these other hoes". Shut the fuck up.

    Cock Rating

      Nice cock bro. Good girth, pretty nice curve, tip-to-shaft ratio is perfect; only issue is the colour consistency, it gets a little light near the tip. I give it an overall 8.7/10; now onto the cum velocity testing.