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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

You’re right, France does always lose wars to England

    You’re right, France does always lose wars to England. Except: The Norman invasion 1066. The Anglo-French War 1213-1214. Anglo-French War 1294-1303. War of Saint-Sardos 1324. Hundred Years’ War 1337-1453. War of the league of Cambrai 1512-1514. Italian War of 1542-46. The Rough Wooing 1543-1550. Italian War of 1551-59. English expedition to France 1562-1563. The Anglo-French War 1627-1629. Second Anglo-Dutch War 1665-1667. The Nine Years’ War 1688-1697. The American Revolutionary War. War of the French Revolution 1793-1802. Anglo-Spanish War 1796-1808. War of the First Coalition. War of the Second Coalition. War of the Third Coalition. War of the Fourth Coalition. And the War of the Fifth Coalition.
    But aside from all those England always beats France.

    Nutting to drawings shouldn’t be considered gay

      Based? I think?
      If nutting to drawings isn't considered sex, then nutting to drawings shouldn't be considered gay. It is quite natural for a Male to be attracted to that which has feminine features, and traps have most of those features. It's not our fault they have a dicks. People that like traps are actually more straight because they can find girls attractive even with negative features (dicks). Because we are willing to be attracted to more feminine beings than normal people are, we are less gay. Traps are not mere men, but girls with dicks and small tits. We are not gay, we are just more accepting than most people. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

      Ladders are not impressive at all

        Look, I don't wanna sound like a pre-ejac dick here, but there is no ladder out there that would ever impress me. In my opinion, a ladder isn't ever really a ladder until someone climbs it, and when someone does climb it, I'm impressed by the climber, not the ladder. Hey, and this is coming from a guy who owns three ladders and uses at least one of them once a month. I've climbed ladders, pal. Don't think I'm a guy who has only seen ladders on TV and talks a big game. I'm a big man with big ladders. Oh look at me! I climb ladders with no shoes on! I'm a hot man! I'm not like that, okay? I climb ladders by necessity. I use ladders as tool. I don't romanticize ladders. I don't treat them like people. I don't imagine a "lady ladder" where the act of climbing is sexual in nature and she blushes and moans as I ascend and descend her rungs all night long. I don't do that. I don't use my ladders for sexual gratification. They're just tools. They're not impressive. They will never impress me. They're just ladders.

        You’re the VIRGIN wojack and im the CHAD wojack

          The wojack template the pasta was referring.
          look! LOOK! here you can CLEARLY see i put you as the ugly or offended wojack, and i put myself as the handsome, buff, coloquially named "chad" wojack, and i put text that described MY opinion above the wojak that represents ME, and YOUR opinion (clearly shit) above the wojack that represents YOU! so by definition, MY opinion is objectively superiour to your opinion! I've won the argument, and thus you cant do any counter arguments!
          look! LOOK! i have put the image i have made into a subreddit full of people with the same opinion as me, and they all agreed with the meme! so now I have more people (that just share the same opinion as me) that back me up (without ever mentioning or regarding the people that back YOUR opinion up)!


            Based teacher
            DON"T FORGET to CLICK the "SUBMIT" button. OTHERWISE, IT WILL SHOW UP as "MISSING" and YOU WILL RECEIVE A BIG FAT ZERO!!!!!! You will get that if you didn't complete this project AT ALL without any attachment/document upload.
            JUST CLICK THAT "SUBMIT" button after you upload so your final project can be graded. Don't email me " Why did I get a zero?" YOUR OWN EARS have LISTENED in class or ZOOM and YOUR OWN EYES HAVE SEEN & BEEN OPENED and YOUR FINGERS have CLICKED that SUBMIT button on GOOGLE CLASSROOM! As your teacher, please reach out to HELP YOUR SOUL.. I meant your assignment y'all!
            GOOD LUCK!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! YOU GOT THIS! Don't be plagiarizing and copying and pasting stuff. Don;'t do it, y'all! Jesus, ALLAH, other higher spiritual being or entity,  be watching you!

            Yeah, that’s pretty true.

              True aaaaaaaaaaaand... Yeah, that's pretty true. That's true and- yeah that's true. That's true. That's true- That's pretty true. That's pretty true, I mean- inhales ... That's true. Yeah. That's true. Uhm- That's true. That's fuckin' true. Uhm... That's how it is dude.