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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Fuck you, Redditard

    Fuck you Redditard. You should be ashamed of yourself for stealing quality content such as his. You’re merely a plebeian nerd that likes to steal OC from content creators because you’re unable to create sophisticated and HILARIOUS content that is actually meant to be uploaded on iFunny not Reddit. You see, the difference is iFunny is for people who are not only witty, but extremely intelligent, thoughtful, and hilarious. Reddit on the other hand, is meant for silly nerd baffoons that don’t have a sense of humor, are stupid and not funny. A monkey sitting at a typewriter can come up with more quality content than you. Hell, my baby sister could probably come up with a more quality content username. If I did a poll right now on iFunny about you, we would all be shredding you to smithereens because quite frankly, you’re a pathetic loser. I just wanted to personally let you know that if I was your dad, I would disown you. You should really consider coming up with better, more quality content like the original uploader because the content you have is just pure bologna. I’m sick and tired with Redditards like you stealing quality content and then just posting it to reddit and thinking that you’re original and funny. Quite frankly, it’s just plain pathetic.

    I have decided to commit suicide

      Dear Friend, I recently have suffered from depression, social anxiety, osteoporosis and various digestive defects. I was struggling for years but now, after watching that GIF, I have decided to commit suicide. Thank you.

      It is physically impossible to simp for pokimane

        Simp means Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy. A man is only a simp if the girl he is after has a mediocre pussy, but pokimane’s pussy is a goddess pussy, at worst. I will continue to donate 50% of my paycheck to pokimane because I know that it’s not simping. Poki if you see this I love you please text me back.

        Buddy, you’re not funny

          Buddy, did you really just say “poop” in the middle of your discord call to get all of your fucking fat ass call me carson watching, gay ass friends to start laughing? You think that’s funny? You’re a fucking disgrace to society, you fat fuck. You think you’re fucking funny by saying either “poop, cock, or balls” and somehow manages to get laughs from your -12 IQ group of troglodytes. I wish you would fucking stop. Its not funny, you make 0 effort to produce any form of real comedy, and why I, an intellectual, am unable to find that funny. You are so unfunny that you have to resort to saying “cum” because your pea sized brain cant find anything else, you have to make these cringey ass jokes and this is why you have no friends at school. You are unpopular, cringey, and a fucking gamer. Get the fuck out of my igloo, you fucking non-membership penguin.

          Kronk rates your chungus

            Okay let’s see what we’re working with
            Nice chungus
            Big, but not too normie
            Breathtaking length
            A 69 (nice)° angle
            Eh, could trim the hairs a bit but we’ll work on it
            Yep... I’d say that’s a pretty big chungus
            I rate it... wholesome 85/100
            Good job, kind redditor

            My girlfriend just got this dm on discord.

              May i, (insert name here) a woman respecting and feminist- supportive male, see at least one breast from you my queen? I do not mean to come on as an improper male, and if this request disturbs you, please make me aware. You, my queen, deserve the utmost respect of any female. However, many of my gender seem to sexualize women and view them as sex toys. However, my Queen, I do not share these views. Rather, I value the female spectrum of the human race as the superior, and 1, a respectful male, request for the viewing of an isolated, singular breast from your body. I await your response my Queen.