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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Says the poor brainless console peasant

    Glorious PC Master Race
    Says the poor brainless console peasant. No mods, no money to achieve high performance, no creativity to set up your own devices. Calling me pathetic lol, I actually work and gather money for Gaming PC whilst you console peasants probably beg to your parents for buying you a console. So tell me, have you been a good brat by doing house chores?

    Please DO NOT buy the BTS meal if you don’t stan them.

      BTS is a korean pop band, it has a meal because McDonalds is "cool" and "hip", a stan is someone who obsesses over a person or group of people.
      Please DO NOT buy the BTS meal if you don't stan them. You're preventing the actual BTS fans who have waited for months from having the BTS meal experience. Eating the sauces without understanding their significance is literally cultural appropriation and it's not okay

      Stop telling me to touch grass 😡😡😡

        Sounds like OP needs to touch some grass.
        Fuck all asshole who tell me to feel grass. I live in a desert with air pollution from a drying body of water. All I feel is hot dirt, all I smell is dead fish, all I hear are gunshots at night, which is why I love to go outside instead of bitching to weebs that tell weebs to go outside. I'm not a weeb! I know I finished watching anime long ago on YouTube like a weeb but guys I'm not a weeb! Stop saying I am I like 3d girls not 2d pillows that stink of sweat and nut. I exercise lifting a backpack full of books and shit and it do work doe.

        Decided I will no longer be paying taxes

          When we use 100% of our brain
          Decided I will no longer be paying taxes. What are they gonna do, tax me more? Go ahead.
          I wont pay those either
          Oh im going to prison?
          The one paid for by my tax dollars?
          Sorry. Didn't pay em. Now there is no prison.
          I am at least 3 steps ahead of the government at all times.

          She’s basically 18

            Discord mods be like
            W-w-well, she was 10, but it wasn't her birthday so she was over 10 so basically 11 but 11 is a very uneven number so let's make it 12. And 12 is basically a teenager so let's change it to 13 but 13 is also a prime number so let's change it to 14. But going off the way of rating movies in the UK goes U, PG, 12, 15, 18, but she's 14 so she can handle 15 movies so she's basically 15. But the youngest age to be allowed to join the military in the UK Is 16. Although she could pass as 16 and join the military so she's basically 16, but she'd need to do 44 weeks of training for the military and then it'd almost be Christmas so she'd take 2 weeks off and then she'd be 17. But since she's in the military she will likely be offered alcohol, but you have to be 18 to drink alcohol in the UK so she is basically 18. So yes, your honour, she was old enough to consent.