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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Getting good ending in Star Wars

    what do you mean you haven't watched it?!
    For those wondering this is how you get the good ending:
    In episode II during the Padme section, make sure to have Aniken build the sand castle with you. As much as the -3 hurts the initial relationship, it pays back double. Assuming you make the correct relationship choices, instead of the usual cutscene during the sand people slaughter, Ankien will see the sandchild building the sandcastle. It will be revealed that it was a rouge sandperson that kidnapped mama skywalker. She’ll still die, but your karma will take way less of a hit.
    In the Yoda Flashback make sure to complement Dooku’s new kicks. Dooku will remember this.
    Make Sure as Jar Jar you steal Palpatine’s diary. Play the time ocarina perfectly. When you run across Papa Palpatine make sure to convince him that Sheev can join the bubble opera troupe and still be a man.
    As painful as the product placement is, before going to Utapau, make sure to select Master Kenobi and get the can of Monster Zero Ultra WhiteTM from Master Kojima

    You fuck with the wrong furries

      Don't mess with me or I'll growl
      You fuck with the wrong furries and you'll have an army of the most toxic, bullying furries hunting you 24/7
      Also, its just childish. Furries are a fandom of self expression, we raise money for charity, we help the economy, we spark change and reform for both animals and humans. And we're supported by 5 finger death punch.
      So grow the fuck up. Leave furries alone And go back to your sad, pathetic, worthless lives mastubating to anime characters that will never love or care for you.

      Oh, you’re a console pleb?

        Just your typical PC Master Race setup
        Oh, so you’re a console pleb? Ha, should’ve figured as much. You have no idea what my pc is capable of, let alone the iq to understand it.
        My gaming machine has an intel i10 10000k with DUAL, yes DUAL RTX 3090s. They’re not even available to the public yet. My dad works for NVIDIA so I have those perks.
        I have 264 GB of RAM to render my 8k 4D Hentai in mere seconds, and did I forget to mention, I have gamer girl piss cooling? That’s right, motherfucker.
        So next time you want to show off with your shitty console, think about my PC and how great my life is compared to yours. PC Master Race.

        It’s My Cake Day.

          obligatory "happy cake day"
          I have a cyan cake next to my username. Give me karma. This is non-negotiable, and if any opposition occurs, it will result in you getting 360 no-scoped by my elite team of cake day enforcers. If that doesn’t work, I will find your IP address, go to your home, and flay you alive. Your body will be more mangled than my ex-wife’s hand that got stuck in the garbage disposal. I will then sell your organs on the black market for copious amounts of money (which I will use to make a time machine to travel to my next cake day). I will then murder your whole family and bury them under my heretic blood-shrine. You will sorrow as the deep pits of hell envelop you and all you love, for not upvoting my post. Be scared. Fear.
          Give me karma.

          Cyberpunk 2077 – Female character options are very disappointing.

            Heated gamer moment
            Female "nude" options are very limited compared to male. I do not understand how they can make penis physics and multiple look options but there are no boobs physics. And boobs options look plastic/fake, no full natural option. The one Vagina option is censored also, no anatomical details like labia etc. What a disappointment.