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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

You abhorrent scum. You ignorant fool.

    You abhorrent scum. You ignorant fool. I will sue you. You are going to be the target of the greatest lawsuit the world has ever seen. You don't know why? It's completely obvious. It's so obvious, the most deplorable peasant could grasp the full magnitude of your wickedness and treachery with the greatest of ease. Your actions cry out for mercy, and I will be happy to deliver it. And if you're thinking this is a mistake, or merely a deception of mine, you're sadly mistaken, my friend. I have indisputable proof of your continued harassment and other offenses. Even without it, the jury would take one look at you and decide. The incomprehensible magnitude of your crimes brings with it unavoidable, infinite guilt, and whether you notice it or not, everyone else does. Are you interested in who will be serving as the offense attorney? I'll tell you. It's my father. Your defense? It doesn't matter, in fact, they might just not give you one even to spare just one individual from the trauma. My father is the greatest lawyer in the US, the world, and human history, including the future, which he knows due to the fact that he sued the future and they travelled back in time to tell him. He's served for hundreds of Supreme Court cases, and he's won every single one. You may have never thought about being court-marshaled, but now, that's a real threat. That is the power of my father, a culmination of flawless, supreme logic and a perfect knowledge of the law. You will lose this case, your money, and your life. Does that scare you, insignificant bug? Because it should. The entire history of the U.S. Judicial System has been leading up to this moment, where all of its fury is concentrated on ruining your life. My father won't even need to help. Your heinous crimes will be evident to all, so just give up, you crook. Give up before you're forced to.

    Nice opinion, just one tiny problem

      Nice opinion, just one tiny problem with it. Inspecting your post, it looks like your opinion is different from mine. Let me tell you something, I am the baseline for opinions. Any opinion I hold is objectively correct and as a result, any other opinions are wrong. Guess what? You happen to hold the wrong one! I hope you know that your opinion is now illegal. I have contacted the FBI, CIA, the NSA, the navy seals, secret service, and your mom! You'll be sorry you ever shared your opinions, by the time you're reading this, you'll be done for. Nature will punish you, humanity will punish you, space will punish you. We decided just to make sure we'll nuke your house from orbit. So there's no chance you can run away, everyone will know you will die. It's a small price to pay, to remove your wrong opinion from this world.

      OP is a Trump supporter.

        Reddit moment
        OP is a Trump supporter.
        I have downvoted every post you have ever posted and have reported this post. If this behaviour does not change, your punishment will further continue.
        Hello, OP. I've searched through your account history and see that you agreed with trump once back in 2017. As a redditor, and a good human, i have downvoted every post and comment on your account as far back as december 7th, 2013, on 5 different alternate accounts. I have reported every single post you have ever made. I hacked into reddit's serverbase and found out your IP address, real home address, and have constructed several bombs which are shipping there as we speak. I await your death, nazi.


          If you walked up to me, right fucking now, with me being a dude and you being a dude, and you were turned on by me, that would be GAY. It's no different for fucking traps. Just 'cause they dress like a chick don't mean they are a chick; they got a dick and that's GAY! AND DON'T SAY THE DICK MAKES IT CUTER, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MAKE IT CUTER, IT MAKES IT GAYER! THAT MAKES YOU GAY, BITCH! AND YOU SEND ME PICTURES OF THEM, WITH THEIR LITTLE SKIRTS LIFTED AND THEIR FUCKING NUTS HANGING OUT. I DON'T WANNA SEE THAT SHIT, I'M NOT GAY LIKE YOU! STOP SENDING ME HENTAI!! STOP SENDING ME ANIME PICTURES!! STOP SENDING ME TRAPS!! OH MY GOD!!!

          You criticized Elon Musk

            He said slavery is what makes mankind great 😂
            Firstly, no one cares what you want. This world doesn't care about you. Fact of the matter is while you've been plotting your faggy dekulakization fantasy in your basement, he's been sending rockets into space and pushing forward the human race into a new sphere of capability. Let me ask you again, what the fuck do you contribute to the human race? And I don't give a fuck if he uses child labor for his mines, you know Why? Because it's worth it. Every single feat of human progress until the last century has been made using slaves. It's literally what makes mankind great. I love the fact that Elon musk is a billionaire, strictly because he gives most of his money to the human race making self driving cars and sustainable energy. Honestly, I think jealous bitches like you should be rounded up and thrown in a preemptive gulag because that's where class warfare leads inevitably. You are bitter about his success, even though his work makes your life better in ways you could never comprehend every single sweaty day of your miserable life. If you use the word billionaire apologist, that's communist and I really hope you become a statistic and choke on a bottle of Tylenol pm because you're a faggot and your politics are based on a failed system that uses jealousy as a lever to a elevate the shit tier humans of the world who are literal mongrels at the expense of the 1% who actually move the football of human ingenuity forward. Seriously, I hope you get cancer you fucking commie queer, aids bait faggot.