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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Tomboys are just one of the best things that has ever been introduced on this planet.

    Tomboys copypasta
    Tomboys are just one of the best fucking things that has ever been introduced on this planet. They have adorable short hair, got abs, huge fat milkers and many things a girl would have but acts as your best friend. You can snuggle with one, get a blowjob, kiss, have kids, watch tv, play sports and many other things that give you joy in life. You don’t ever have to worry about spending useless hours waiting for your significant other to finish shopping at the mall only to spend $300 on a pair of boots and makeup. Any time you want they can go from shy introvert gamer to a Dommy Mommy in bed, Shy in th3e streets, kinky in the sheets. They are extremely attractive having abs, a thicc body, and running with sports bra and their adorable short hair that could even turn a gay man straight. People don’t understand how hot that is, breeding with one is a dream and in the end we all want to marry one to live a happy life. People think having a tomboy gf is weird but in reality, they just haven't realized the dream until they had a chance to experience it.

    Why do men like to smell their balls

      Science explains why men like to smell their balls
      I love science, me. Without it we'd never have been able to comprehend what at one point were life's great mysteries. From Newton's theory of gravity to the splitting of the atom, throughout history scientists have pushed the boundaries of human consciousness and experience, enabling us to learn more about this thing we call existence. For whatever questions we have - great or small - it is there to provide an answer.
      And those questions just keep coming. Recently a man posted to Reddit: "I don't know if all guys do it, and I don't do it in public or around people. But if I'm alone and scratch my balls, I definitely do it.
      "Also when I get done working out and jump in the shower I also my sniff my sweaty briefs where my balls rested, then I'll scratch my nuts and smell my fingers. The answer as to why I do this is actually pretty simple: I like the smell of my balls."
      And - as always - science once again came forward, puffed its chest out and offered a reply.
      Biopsychologist Nigel Barber, who specialises in sexual and reproductive behaviour, told MEL Magazine men do it - and wait for this because it's actually fucking brilliant - #to feel alive'.
      "I doubt that sensing our own odors or pheromones is related to hygiene," he said. "Perhaps it's an example of self-referential behavior analogous to looking at oneself in a mirror. In each case, the perception of self may elevate mood and boost self-esteem.
      "Presumably, people who preen before a mirror feel better as a result and perception of body odors may be similar. Interestingly, though, dogs  -  that aren't self-aware  -  have little interest in their own scent."
      Related video:
      undefined undefined Apparently our instinctive attraction to our own stench is an example of egoism, a philosophical theory that puts the self above all else. And ironically it's one of the things that separates us from the animals.
      So there we have it, sniffing your sweaty bollocks reassures us that we're special little snowflakes, individual and unique, and totally not cogs in the cold, unforgiving machinery of life.

      r/okbuddyhololive ruined the entirety of Suisei for me.

        This fucking joke of a subreddit is the sole reason I can no longer watch Suisei's streams anymore. She WAS my favourite streamer of all time, nevermind in the context of hololive. Her streams are a masterpiece especially compared to today's vtuber trash on youtube. On my darkest days, I would put her stream on and be moved to tears everytime. But the fucking basement dwellers of r/okbuddyhololive have ruined any sense of enjoyment I had watching her streams. Mainly because of the stupid fucking meme of "HoLY SHIt GuYS mY sUiPiSs iS CoMInG I bOuGht fIVe LiTTeRs?!!??" And whenever I watch her streams and her her voice, I break down in hysterics because all I can think of is that dumbass fucking meme and the subhuman trash populating that subreddit. It ruins and emotional weigh and meaning to her videos because it's clouded by their absolute stupidity. I had to bring this up to my therapist because she was so special to me and this whole experience psychologically damaged me. I guess art is dead because people can't take art seriously anymore. They have to make it about some dead fucking meme or something and entirely devalue the art. This is the death of art happening before our very eyes, folks. And if you won't stand for the most influential artist of the century and not let their name be smeared by jokers of the internet, than you are not a true hololive fan. I want r/okbuddyhololive to be taken down because this is a disgrace to human expression and an assult on the psyche. Fuck you and fuck your dumbass fucking memes. Suisei deserves way better.

        Got really horny during no way home.

          Spiderman No Way Home copypasta
          I got really horny and needed to bust. I started stroking my shit during the zendaya scenes and accidentally nutted to Tom 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

          Elden Ring Shut the fuck up

            You average Elden Ring fan
            Shut the fuck up you maggot. You clearly don't understand what makes a great video game. Elden Ring is a beautifully crafted masterpiece with a rich-open, beautiful graphics, fantastical gameplay, a great narrative, great quest design and it gives a ton of freedom and an actual challenge. Meanwhile all the other games that came out this year are overrated, mediocre games with boring, generic and repetitive gameplay, boring and uninteresting narratives and keep telling you what to do every 5 seconds. You and the people that support these kinds of doghit games are everything that is wrong this the gaming industry. These companies give you garbage and you guys eat it up and ask for more. Elden Ring is literally the only game that deserves to be called a true video game. Everything else is a joke and a scam. So fuck you, fuck all the people that pay for it, and fuck these companies that keep pumping these shitty mediocre kiddy games. I hope all of you fuckers die. Elden Ring and FromSoftware deserve all the praise and much more. They are single-handedly carrying the entire gaming industry with their state of the art games.

            Y’all remember the sissy game right?

              Sissy game copypasta
              So I'm not the only one who remembers the sissy game right? It that game you play on middle school/high school where one boy has to be the sissy. The sissy, who was never me btw, has to do what every other boy wants and can't do anything about it. Usually that meant sucking them off or getting your boy pussy pounded by the older kids. They'd all call the kid, who was never me obviously, sissy and all the girls would laugh. They'd also piss on him from time to time and make him swallow. Both the piss and the cum. Y'all also played this game right guys, right?