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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Morbius(2022): Nothing short of a cinematic masterpiece.

    Hey fellow Morbheads, just finished my 26th viewing of the legendary film (Morbius) and I have but one word to describe the experience: Wow. The film was incredible, to put it lightly. I thought I had noticed everything there was to notice on my 10th go, but I wasn’t even close. Jared Leto’s performance leaves so much up to interpretation, and he truly builds the character presented for is in the MCU(Morbius Cinematic Universe). Every rewatch that I view just leads me further into the Morbi-hole(a term I coined just now), and I spot things I never would’ve seen on my first few gos. The world isn’t ready for Morbius - and I wasn’t either. When I say that I broke into tears every time I watched it, all 26 times, I’m not lying. I cried during the entire movie. I’m not even sure how my body is producing more tears, but I make sure to stock up on XL popcorn and 3 drinks each viewing. My tears are pure sugar water, butter flows through my veins.
    Anyway, I’ll try to keep this review short, as the credits are finishing up and I’m about to go in for my 27th round, but know this; Morbius is one of the greatest movies of our generation - or better, this decade. The raw power behind each scene is only amplified by Jared Leto’s stellar performance. If he doesn’t win every Oscar available, I’ll be shocked. To say it was a masterpiece is an understatement. On my 15th viewing, I heard someone yawn during one of the dialogue scenes. I followed him up to the parking lot and decapitated him with my limited editionTM Morbius Blade. (Shop Please - if you haven’t already, do yourself a favor. Watch Morbius, and watch it again. And again. And again. You won’t regret it.

    Does Morbius actually say “It’s Morbing time” in the movie?

      I was going to watch this movie until I heard critic reviews and changed my mind. But now I’ve been seeing a meme circulating online by people who’ve seen the movie, apparently the best scene in the movie is when Morbius says “It’s Morbing time” and then proceeds to morb everyone in the room.
      Does this really happen? Because if this is actually in the movie, I will buy tickets immediately.

      Can my parents see I watched porn on the Wii U?

        Can my parents find out I watched porn on the Wii U?
        So I just got home today and my new laptop charger had arrived! I couldn't find my laptop though. I went downstairs to watch TV untill my parents came home on the Wii U Netflix... but the Wii U isn't there! I called my mom but she didn't answer. About a few weeks ago I watched porn on the Gamepad, but then I left the page, went to settings, cleared cookies, and then cleared Save Data.
        Im freaking out that my parents found out I watched porn! Can my parents find out I watched porn on the Wii U?? (Im on my dads laptop, and my parents are coming home in 30 min!)

        Bro my mom just basically said I have a small dick

          Small dick copypasta
          Bro my mom just basically said I have a small dick
          She just straight up said to me “I noticed when you go to pee sometimes you pee on the floor a little, if your penis doesn’t reach far enough you need to stand a little closer since its smaller”, and then started saying not to be embarrassed about it and that its ok and no one in the future will mind, its fucking weird. And now my confidence is fucked, thanks mom 👍

          Not my proudest fap

            Based opinion about "Not my proudest  fap"
            Why do people always say not my proudest fap when refering to really wierd or bad porn? What's supposed to be your proudest fap then? When you came in 5 minutes from some vanilla porn? If you manage to get yourself off to some giantess pegging interacial porn you should be way more proud than if you only cum to a man and a woman having boring regular sex. It takes commitment, time and effort to get off to incest fishnet stockings vore porn. When you cum it feels like a real achievement, something to be proud of, but if you just cum to what everyone else is already watching then there's nothing to be proud of. You've done the bare minimum. Masturbating to furry reverse birth scat porn takes true effort just to stay hard. It trains your mental fortitude and teaches you to push on against all odds and when you finally orgasm it feels like you earned it. Now that's something to be proud of.

            Fun facts about Morbius

              Fun facts about Morbius! 🦇
              1. He is a Marvel legend. 🦸‍♂️🤩
              2. He is super fit (pilates helps). 🧘‍♂️💪
              3. He needs to consume blood to live. 🩸 👅
              BAD GUY: Who the hell are you man?
              MORBIUS: I. Am. Venom.
              4. He is NOT Venom. 🐍⚫️
              MORBIUS: I’m just kidding, it’s doctor Michael Morbius, at your service 😉.
              Mobius is the best film ever created. When I went to see it, there was literally nobody there. I was the only one. Obviously that means everyone went to see it on opening day. Because they were that hyped for it. This film is a masterpiece. I advise everyone to watch it. They even give you a theatre all to yourself.
              My favourite part is when Mobius walks up to Vulture and says "hey, I think we need to form a team."
              "What should we call it?"
              " I don't know. Let's make it something sinister. Were gonna do sinister things. "
              "Are we some sinister squad or something?"
              "Wait, say that again."
              "Say what?"
              "What you just said, bozo."
              "That's fantastic."
              "wait, say that again..."
              They smile at each other and it cuts to black.
              Movie ends. "Morbius will return in "Mobius 2: Mobius and the Sinister 6""